
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car look like something I could wad up and stuff into my mouth before.

I was a huge Dali fan when I was only viewing his art. The more I learn about him, the more I’m convinced he was a proto-youtuber.

“‘I do not understand why, when I ask for grilled lobster in a restaurant, I’m never served a cooked telephone. Anyways, like and subscribe!!

They simplified, and added lightness. Right?

Did that Mustang put his hazards on to warn drivers of the danger?

I’m really stretching to find the protagonist in this video.

“the Porsche 919 Evo is more race car than race car.”
And now I have White Zombie stick in my head.  

Blue Thunder was a movie, not a TV show. Airflow was the TV show cash-in capitalizing on the success of the movie.

Why do your convertible conversions one at a time like a chump? This is just economies of scale at work. Give that man a raise. 

Long wheelbase plus agricultural suspension plus loads of torque equals hanging the back end out for days. It’s a fun car, I can haul lots of gear, the back seat is like a limo, and it only cost me $8.23 per HP!

Half the fun is dealing with Magnum people. Mine was a recovered repo, and the title still isn’t sorted. I wasn’t passing judgement when I said I bought it off a crack addict, that’s how she self-identified. At a used car dealership.

I’m still waiting to find a severed thumb in a cubby or under a seat somewhere.

Man...My cheap-ass Magnum R/T pushes a lot of those buttons.

I flipped the deeply dished wheels on my ‘82 Subaru wagon so they protruded 5-6 inches out of the wheel wells. It looked unbelievably badass.

The slightest bump ground the tires into the fenders. I kept driving it like that for a week. It was only when I noticed grooves developing in the tires from the fender edges

Disqualifyingly un-dumb!

My favorite thing about Top Gear by far used to be the cheap car challenges. Give me a show like that and I’ll devour it. 

I’m right there with you. I think the last time I was impressed by a car that costs more than $50k was when I was 15. 

I would start a local racing series. I’ll hide behind your “ridiculous” tag and ignore the obvious problems with this. The series would be called Weekenders, and would promote low dollar entry level wheel to wheel racing.

Maximum base car value: $4k.
Base car value goes up to $6k if it’s your daily driver.

I totally remember these windows.....falling off all the time.

I don’t miss ‘em. 

A dead ringer? ehhhhhhhhhhhh

As a kid I was friends with a weird old hermit with barns full of astounding old cars. He had a pair of Europas, a street car and a fiberglass boddied race car. He said the race car had been jammed into reverse from 2nd on a race launch and blew up the transmission.

I TOWERED over this car. The pictures absolutely

Just don’t make fun of the onion tied to my belt please. 

Agreed, but this isn’t a modern day supercar.