
Not rights, but I control my environment on a bike, and I would have handled that first light the same as the rider in the video, legal or not. I don’t let anyone legislate my safety. You should consider splitting lanes yourself before you get rear ended. I would have no sympathy for you if you weren’t controlling

Lanesplitting shouldn’t piss anyone off. It doesn’t affect anyone driving in traffic. A motorcycle splitting lanes isn’t causing traffic for you. Legal or not, its the smart way to ride if you want to be safe.

Catalyst? He just lane split. It’s legal almost everywhere in the world. I do it regardless, because it’s the safest way to navigate traffic on two wheels. The car was the catalyst, trying to run the motorcyclist out of his lane.

Are any of you guys actual designers?

TLDR: Autonomous driving extends your daily range by decreasing driver fatigue.

If you think Tesla is doomed, you are very short sighted. Here’s a hint- infrastructure. Tesla is like BP if BP had no competitors.

He’s never even seen one in person.

Are you serious? Outside of cities, most food is centered around an exit ramp and a Flying J. We are already in this exact scenario.

Exactly. All these people saying “I don’t see any stations on INSERT HIGHWAY in MIDWEST CITY?”

Nobody here is crafting legal documents except you, and your vague complaints don’t count as an argument anyways. It’s an editorial, Jalopnik doesn’t need you to peer review it.

Yeah... thats not how that works. I crush your refutations and win the argument.

Seriously? Corvair is one of, if not THE most beautiful car Chevy every made. Hugely influential aesthetic as well.

Jesus you have said this a lot. A good designer lets function dictate form. It’s exactly like an Avanti or Corvair. You’ll come around, honest design is sometimes shocking. Think of the iPhone and how afraid everyone was of not having a physical keyboard.

Between this- and whatever Jonathan Ive is cooking up- I’m hoping we get a trend towards this Dieter Rams style. So exciting.

Even a lot of old gasoline cars don’t have grilles. Avanti... Corvair... some of my favorite designs. Screw a grille.

Grille-less front reminds me of a Corvair... which was already an influential car in it’s time (aesthetically).

I’m with you. When the capture of that suspected terrorist in France went down, there were comments on an article calling for firing squad, deportation of all family, praise that a couple of them were shot and killed during the arrest...

I think you mean ancient aliuminium.

Thats a common pov I hear from people who aren’t technically literate. I’m an engineer, and nobody designs consumer computers to Apple’s standard, even now. ESPECIALLY not from 1995-2005 when they were innovating in every category. Good design is more than specs printed on a box. And I use a Lenovo for work.

I’d suggest it to my wife if she existed.