
I only wanted to see you Underneath the purple reign.

Either way, I’m ready.

Enjoy your star, it took me six clicks and three mouse scrolls to get here.

It took me seven additional clicks and five scrolls of the mouse wheel to read your reply once I clicked on the notification.

I know hundreds of them.  Not by name though... 

Yup. That’s not a simple pedal mixup. A simple pedal mixup will lurch you forward and damage a trashcan or a bicycle OOPS. A double-down on the throttle will put you into the back yard.

They better hurry.....

We’ll find out.

At this point, I worry less about the controls they are putting into the screens, and more about the cars they will be putting into dry cleaners.

I have been dailying them for 30 years, and have only had to deal with it once. The one I’m driving now had a factory longblock 100K miles ago, and it seeping a little bit now when it gets really cold.