
People like truck.

Ford got away with it with the Mach E, so I’m really not that surprised Nissan is also expanding their “Z” into a separate segment.

I swear to god, this fucking site..  Half the times I can’t imbed, the other half I can’t use the tools to make hyperlinks. Today is the day I can’t do either.

The Ultimate Worrier

I know, right?  Why can’t for once my girlfriends break up with someone else besides me?

LOL, thanks, but I’ll keep using my “bright” message, as it speaks of both the tinted lens being dark, AND the idea in general being unintelligent.

Sorry, team uniform.

“Honey, get the broom!  We’ve got McMikes again”

You think racecar mowers are a red flag?  Just wait until she sees the shirt.

Would hope there is more to your life than putting notes on stranger’s motor vehicles.

“What’s Something In Your Garage That Might Be A Relationship Red Flag?”

This is why I carry post-it notes in the car.