
outside apparently the dude playing her, or is Juno a him? Fuck this shit is too much for me to ever know anything any more.

ithink him saying it almost literally killed me, is the issue here. Maybe it did, but i doubt it. Then again i wasnt there, maybe it was a close call.


Fuck you pigs i know my rights, also not advised.

I suspect that signs dont stop would be rapists, i also suspect that trans men and women rape about as often and non trans men and women do. I dont have any numbers to back up my belief, but i assume they are like any other microcosm of society and not prone anything more or less.

You can believe in trans rights and people right to be who they wanna be, while also believing that there are real, natural, traditional female women should have safe spaces of their own and without a male claiming to be a female having a right to that bathroom. This bs that people are scared or hateful is simply for

thats funny shit. i dont find ricky hateful nor scared. He seems pretty progressive and liberal to me. Can you just never joke or cvomment about trans people? WTF, if you want equality and to be treated like evferyone else, then act like it and stop acting like you need to be coddled and treated special. I understand

I heard a group of trans workers got together and attacked Netflix, who is probably one of the most progressive companies ever because they didnt support everything a small group of wierdos who think too much of themselves. Soem people just cant hear “dont do that” and take it seriously.

im going out a limb here, but maybe john supports dave and his his right to say shit ppl dont like.

maybe he supports other comediens and their right to be offensive.

should you ever be exposed to anything you dont like ever? And how exactly does this work? Like how do you make this a reality?

thats a bingo

lol what

The problem is that word gets bandied around like crazy now and many times it doesnt deserve its application. Strange days indeed.

Which begs the question, why are these people going in the first place? I always love comedy because it changed my view on a lot of subjects, it became part of growing up. Hearing things i may not have liked at the time, help me open up to new ideas. People nowawdays want nothing to do w that shit.

Cant have that.

Why does it matter what a comedien thinks about anything really? Chapelle doesnt think transwomen are real women, this isnt some crazy statement. A lot of people i assume think that there are 2 sexes and that they are pretty obvious what those characteristics are. These same people believe in everyones humanity and

This writer is too damn funny, an incredible majority of comedy fans would shit and be over the moon, if they went to see a comedian and they brought out Chapelle. It wouldnt even be close. However its apparent that a great deal of the free thinkers on this website would NOT. Comedy is just not for some people, like

My man, you are going to the wrong fucking bars. :)

Wow, nothing like reducing an entire gender because of a few dopes.