
I dont think Dave is the one here seeking out “buzz”> He sells out everywhere he goes, with zero advertising.

But it does make laugh. I dont care what she says either way.

There are 2 dizen people who literally cant and theve decided they speak for an entire group. They themselves. Its like believing Al Sharpton speaks for all or even a majority of black people. Well my 2 boys are considered black, although theyre probably around 35% and i can assure you Al nor no one else speaks for

Which comments they have said make you the sickest? Which specfic ones are the most hateful and egregious?

She isnt funny. I mean ive never actually watched or listen to her before, but she isnt.

Well in case ya missed it, being a clown is literally his job and sole source of income.

Better than bullying your way in to an executive meeting where you werent invited and causing problems at literally one of the most progressive and trans friendly companies ive ever heard of.

Seems reasonable. But, no one will do it, because the people bitching are a very small few who arent open to actual dialogue and victimhood. Which is sad because a great deal of my trans brother and sister are actual victims of actual crimes or violance and hate and this kind of bullshit detracts from real victims.

It sure seems that everyone is a transphobe for no other reason than disagreeing. I read some very mature well thought outcomments on here but never see an equal response or discussion. Maybe my definition of hating someone is different.

He is talented for sure. She is talented if for no other reason, her ability to profit off being a professional beard and being cast in movies with the basic and minimal of talent in acting. He created Stephon on SNL

Yeah, ya really went out on a limb with that prediction Nostradamas. Tell me whos gonna cover this week in the nfl?

Yeah, life is too short for people like that in your life. Keep them at a distance, grab the popcorn and just follow them on instagram or facebook or something.

A coked up chain smoking serial cheater with a narcissistic personality and a married man chasing, problem causing, professional beard with a last name so gross sounding, that fits her personality too ironically are somehow not gonna make longer than 6 months?


Cross check was always something i did, before i invited someone to one of parties. If ya had a cross, id have to pass.


Do we? Really?

Elon Musk is the one sure Bond villan if ive ever seen one.

must suck to be you, waking up on the wrong side of your daddies pecker every day. I mean it would be impossible for someone like you, to actually have a meaningful and fulfilled life. But, alas life is full or losers and winners and i feel safe in betting where you fall.

They will never consummate, i think that is the only thing for sure in this life. So many shows goes for the will they/wont they or when will they. Its nice to see a show that says, they better fucking not.