
No, their opinion does not matter more than anyone elses, that where people who speak like you lose support. They are free to say whatever they want, but no one speaks for any subgroup of humans. There is no black person who speaks for all blacks, there are no gay people who get to speak for all gays. Some people like

$12 burgers? Maybe once per year.

No sane person wants to go that shit hole city anymore. Except free loaders and addicts, thats it. Enjoy your street turds.

Actuallt that isnt their job, nor is it an employee, a teenager job to act as a bouncer. Have you seen the way people are reacting to this shit.

The left is now the new far right, who were the new nazis. Bizzaro world. I turned in my lefty card a while back.

pics up mic and asks, what does he need to be accountable for?

Free speech is a well known tenet of the United states.

These people are hell bent on the being the new nazis. Ban free speech, ban art the find offensive. Sighs.

Molesting a child is not funny in any way. Raping someone is not funny in any way. Murdering someone is not funny, in any way. My mom dying of cancer, is not funny in any way.

I just want people to stop calling it hate speech and trying to ban art they find offensive. The nazis already trademarked that shit.

Who calls what he said hate speech. HATE SPEECH? Like there are plenty of things that trans people need to overcome in order to gain majority acceptance. But this aint it. I know hate speech when i hear it.

Most are dealing with it just fine. Very very few people in the world care enough to put effort in to stopping another human. Free speech is tantamount and not one that wasnt already a violent shit heel has ever listened to a comdien and felt they got “the green light to go bashing trannies”. Not one provable case

Im still waiting for someone to show me one instance where Chapelle or anyone else has caused real world violence. No doubt my trans brothers and sisters have a long way to go for acceptance. But, i have yet to see one story that proves some violent shitheel hillbilly felt like they got the green light from Chapelle

Wahhhhh wahhhhh. Sobs, boo hoo. Poor you. This world is tough, why should you be exempt the everyday bullshit all humans endure. You call this hate speech, HATE SPEECH, you just dont have a fucking clue what hate speech really is. I am sure lots of LGBTQ community members have heard actual hate speech in their life.

No. A very very small group of whiners is showing their displeasure, the vast majority of people agree with my statement and a huge majority of them agree with what Dave said. 

And no person EVER heard what Dave said and took it as a green light to seek out and bash trans people. If you can realize this isnt even close to hate speech, then i question your intelligence. Ask an old black man or woman to define hate speech they heard in their life, then compare the two and see if you can buy a

Ill add to your comment by saying, if the company you work for doesnt line up with your conviction and morls or beliefs, then quit. Why would you work for someone that oppossed to you, if thats what you believe. But thats not what they believe, it seems very clear that Netflix is very progressive in the approch to the

He always said her daughter had a case for revenge as well.

same thought

Im gonna have to revisit BOTD, i remember hating it in the mid 90s. Temptation is amazing and a love story to Jesus that Catholics got wrong on purpose. I could do without Dicaprios bad accent in GoNY, and Camerons, but man its worth watching DDL.