I have a special place in my heart now for BOOSTang.
I have a special place in my heart now for BOOSTang.
This would never work in the USA, wwwaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too much power.
In know, right? I've seen more ass crack at home depot, and a brief glimpse of boob doesn't make it hardcore either.
you should change it again. i'd hardly call this hardcore. can't even see D going into P. come on Sean.
NFL won't suspend players for drunk driving, spouse abuse, and a whole host of other illegal things but pot...POT. NFL is so fucking regressive.
That black... it's so mysterious...
mimicking the quarterback's money gesture
the problems isnt "they spent money on a study" it's "they revealed to the world what that study found"
The $100,000 is nothing compared to the millions the Browns have spent trying to find the worst QB.
*Look How Awesome Mitsubishi's INSERT ANY JAPANESE AUTOMAKER'S Lineup Was 20 Years Ago
Pretty much how I imagine all the Opponauts driving their newly acquired STs.
Deadspins mobile site is fucking terrible. trying to scroll? prepare to open forty pages trying. trying to open a link? lolnope cant click them when you try. offtopic? sure. maybe i couldve commented on kevin durant if i hadnt been rageslamming my phone from trying to navigate this bullsseod fi .jdjdjdhdb .