I See Car People

I got whiplash just watching it hook up off the line.

Why am I watching this whole thing?

Edit: surprisingly good background music for getting work done.

I just wanted to note that this exists.

"Hello Nate, We hope you are feeling better after your recent car accident and are on the road to recovery," the letter read. "DiGiorno Pizza understands the challenges that come with carry out and delivery pizza so we're sending you a gift along with a year supply of DiGiorno pizza so you can skip carry out."

This needs more upvotes. Lawld twice.

Disassemble the tail-lights first.

Go Williams.

Well, as long as he was Swedish.

There's just something in that look she gives you

Or which way it's going...

I know. I just wanted to pretend science.

deleted double post

What is this? Edit: Nevermind. Ampera.

Dear Infiniti,

First, I appreciate the image your comment conjures up. Second, I'm no physics guy, but I imagine having say, a 20mph tailwind means that at 150mph your air resistance is more like what you would be fighting at 130mph. Pretty significant.

This is too good.

I dunno man, I think the whole thing is a bit ugly. Hopefully it has great visibility or something.

Even airlines are trying to get me to lose weight?

THANKS (Michelle) OBAMA!

The 2014 Toyota Corolla: Out to Prove Whatever