
A minor tax (like one gold for a person and 10g per person for a boat) wouldn’t be so bad, and they could put it all into a pot for a weekly raid to rob the Ferryman as he crosses the world? It’d add more content, that’s for sure

Make note. NO ONE is angry about it. Charles just made a post for clicks because it’s a slow news day.

Dude is smart. He wrote a scientific work in some sense with many points explored. Fantastic ideas and suggestions how to improve true diversity... I read it in full. But majority of whiny crowd didn’t get it. That’s what happens to smart people. Good he lives in our time and is not beheaded like other smart

The short version is that prior to being patched with a smidgen of extra expository content, the story contained so many gaps, jumps, and “fuck it, you either watched the anime, the movie, and read the promo materials or you just won’t get it” shit that it came off as a mishmash of ideas that had to be crammed into a

It’s better than buying Kingdom Hearts 14 times while you wait for KH3, imo.

Huzzah! Waiting to play this game continues to pay off! I look forward to the day on which it is finally completed.

Oh nooo. An optional mode over a year after release how teeeerible!

I’d be more outraged if D2 exotics were exciting to get in the first place.

He’s military, it’s kind of his job to do what he’s told. If he outright said “I would reject a legal order to launch a nuclear missile,” he’d be submitting his resignation the next day.

“Brian, we’re going to need you to limit yourself to less than 200,000 words of dialogue per comic.”

Who let this reasonable motherfucker in here?

obviously what Tyrese is doing is not the smartest thing in the world but i get it...the Rock is being a real A-hole here. he can do just about any movie he wants to and hes going to do a spin off which is going to alienate his less famous cast mates? its not even like this some great universe that needs a spin

Which reminds me, what is Ja Rule up to these days?

I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt and I think mocking him right away is too easy and cruel. It looks like he’s suffering a real mental breakdown here. It’s sad but given his words, he must be thinking very irrationally now. I don’t believe that this is just a stupid move when, the guy seems like he’s

Thanos, looking svelte after getting his Pilates on, starring in Enstonement.

I’m sorry to tell you this, but the MCU is never going to introduce Dick Rider as a major character. You’ll have you settle for a young and hip Sam.

They’re taking a cue from the “how many Star Wars characters can be interrelated and meet each other over and over” method of storytelling.

Mom and pop video game stores sell video games. If you don’t know of any around you, it’s worth a look - They’re out there.

There was a reason for this. If “Robin” always appeared to be the same person, then Batman’s enemies would see the pair as an unending force. No change, no disruption to their presence - no matter what the villains do, there’s the same Batman and the same Robin showing up night after night.

I want to hate this show so much. And usually I do. But it’s pretty watchable. I wish it wasn’t replacing so many good shows, but it’s interesting how they take a lot of stuff actually /from/ DC lore and make it silly and stupid.