
Pebble bed... That's the way to go.

140 degrees is the melting point of paraffin, which also has a high specific heat capacity. i'll bet you a hundred bucks these have candle wax inside. perfectly safe even if it leaks.

Quick... Call up FuSoYa and warn him the English are coming

There's got to be an efficient way to profit from the sudden publicity. Instead of being a wanker about it he should get all the images and put them on a website like the dancing flash video guy from 2001 or whenever it was.

We're swimming in so much data and so many photos and videos, plus more and more embedded high capacity storage, that obituaries of the future will be called "rememories" :P

@ninjamurf: I was going to say the same thing. +

I don't understand the big deal. I mean, seriously, the people who are freaking out have probably never tried crack and don't know what the real danger is.

@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: Agreed, actually. But you shouldn't use typical key-sharing protocols like SSH. You should use a long, randomized and synchronized list of private keys so no part of the key pair is shared during initial contact — this would prevent a man-in-the-middle attack.

Reminds me of the new Honda Insight... I mean, White Flag of Surrender.

It looks terrible. They may need to change the recipe. Breastmilk tastes very different from cow's milk, and between any two women, and between different stages of baby's development. It is much more various than the taste of cow's milk.

just don't be a dick — get a separate, prepaid phone to use and never let it influence your marriage?

This is completely unreasonable. In the past, recording the police has been an essential watchdog service. Has anyone heard of or do you remember the Black Panthers? Jesus...

@StyxaT: Come get molested in this ...

@Yolky: On top of all that, this is not even newsworthy because he's not developing his own educational title or even having them discuss the movements they have to make to control the game (which could be an awesome investigation into 3-space); he's not doing anything new so how can we call it news?

@indiefab: Agreed. Boker makes a mean ceramic also, but it's their ceramic pocketknife that makes me drool.

What working metal are they made of, how are they tempered, what is their RC hardness and is it progressive, cold or hot tempered, and what is the chromium content of the steel?

@n.galemore: Cocaine smells terrible. All tart and salty...

My name is Dan and I buy crap all the way up to (and sometimes past) my means.