
hes not president yet... let him fend for himself (i mean.. he has the best security.. its yuuuge)

My anger is growing and I haven’t stopped crying.

I have no issue with their position on TPP. There’s something unsettling, though, about the CEO not seeming to realize that nothing could be more important than keeping a sociopath out of office. It’s very hard to get past.

Do you use Amazon? That’s my biggest stumbling block so far as the boycott thing goes.

If your three friends are anything like my co-worker, it is likely that they have not bothered to educate themselves. I’ve come to realize my co-worker is ignorant about everything, even though she’s college educated and comes from an upper-middle-class family. We live in California, for fuck’s sake. She only wants to

Badass angry is awesome! We should all be and stay badass angry until some changes are made to prevent this president-inept from taking office!

I have no idea. I have a feeling it wouldn’t actually make a difference in the outcome; a runoff election would cost way too much money and time, so it would have to be a simple recount.

Not at all. I’ve just relaying all the information coming through about the transition with my other co-worker. She knew I was upset with the election results and told me she was sad too, especially after her daughter was confused and asking her how Donald could win. She’s never admitted to me that she voted

There’s only 14 or so states with statutes on the books to prevent or discourage electors from changing their vote and I want to say only 3 of them charge a fine (which is capped at $1,ooo).

Actually no. Pence would be arguably worse because he’s not only a worse human being, he also knows how government works and how to get things done within it.

i keep using the nerd example of lawful evil vs chaotic evil. If you watch Adventure Time, Hunson Abadeer is chaotic evil. People in the nightosphere never ever know what’s about to happen. I’d rather take lawful evil any day.You generally know how they will act. They may try to change laws to suit their needs but

You really have to stand back and marvel at our situation. When america screws itself... it screws itself HARD!

I understand where you’re coming from, truly. Normally, I’d accept the loss and move on. This time, however, things are different. I’m sure that to many Americans it would look like a coup, but what will America look like under Trump? From everything I’ve seen, it looks like the beginnings of a dictatorship - with

Still not as bad. Trump has Twitter battles and will get the secrets and codes. His temperament is explosive and with the secrets has shown no compunction to be vindictive even if it hurts the country.

More than a year of supporting Trump and Trump’s policy of not accepting refugees tends to prove otherwise.

John McCain was complicit in this complicity.

I voted for Hillary Clinton.

You know what? You’re right. Trump was right. John McCain isn’t a hero.

He spent 6 years as a pow. He declined to leave when offered. What the fuck have you done? His grandfather, father and son ALL service members. One more time; what the fuck have you or anyone you know done that even slightly compares?

“John McCain, of all people, has warned that a change in U.S. policy towards Russia would amount to ‘complicity in Putin and Assad’s butchery of the Syrian people.’”