Holy shit. First time I’ve read it. It, uh, hit really really close to home for me. As I’m sure it does for a lot of women who were 19 once.
Holy shit. First time I’ve read it. It, uh, hit really really close to home for me. As I’m sure it does for a lot of women who were 19 once.
Don’t forget this also betrays Second Amendment activists who say having a gun is what protects you.
Nailed it!
Jesus Christ America, what did you do to deserve this? You need to take a long look in the mirror Miss, because this trash lives in you and speaks for you. Could even envelope you completely if you’re not careful. You need to do better dearie.
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
On the list of relevant things you can say to defend yourself against being a racist, “I had a black roommate” is probably right before “I really enjoyed The Cosby Show.”
What a tough life.
You’re right. There’s only things they can do. Like not be racist.
How are these for ladies who’ve had kids?
I love my FemmyCycle. But I went through three other cups before finding it - at about $40 each that’s really cost prohibitive for most women. Many seem to try one brand and if it doesn’t work they give up and go back to pads or tampons. I’m really hopeful that prices come down and that there will be an easier way to…
This whole thing made me shudder. Never, never, never! I’ll keep my pads, thank you very much. I once tried tampons and they started to hurt so much after about 20 minutes and initially I couldn’t pull the damn thing out. And it was only a small tampon. It was positively microscopic compared to the monstrosity in that…
If you’re used to tampons and pads, a menstrual cup might look bizarrely large and unwieldy: That’s supposed to fit w…
I, for one, welcome our new Matriarchal Overlord!
Introvert’s Counterpoint: Be friends with someone just as introverted and bitchy and intense and misanthropic as you are. You just won’t have that Instagram type of friendship that people make sitcoms & stock-photos about.
So, basically everything Donald Trump is NOT.
This has just been utterly despicable. Lainey nailed it. They are so scared to give away one fucking inch of their stranglehold on media that they can't even bear 1(!!) person encroaching on their turf. The one tiny morsel of hope in this is that they are on the losing side and it's going to start slow and hit them so…
That is really well put, thanks for sharing.
I think it is a combination of “people who point out racists are the real threat to this country” with “if I somehow am inadvertently exposed to a picture or video of a woman I personally don’t want to fuck I am being oppressed.”
Agreed. Imagine what it must be like to be a woman of color, who aspires to a career in the public eye, watching all this go down. It looks terrifying. The thought of being targeted, attacked, and exposed by a mob of ruthless strangers, all for the crime of daring to exist where people can see and hear you. It makes…
@toxic: Ah, the age-old fallacy that says you can't hold an opinion on something unless you can do better.