I like Fi in the same way I like Navi. As a companion they are great. As a way to nag the player they are irritating. But I don’t hold that against the character.
I like Fi in the same way I like Navi. As a companion they are great. As a way to nag the player they are irritating. But I don’t hold that against the character.
I don’t really care if Zelda is playable. I kind of hope she isn’t as I like the games to be centered around Link. But from the original trailer I was hoping she would be hanging around Link a bit as a support. And I really hope she isn’t just kidnapped again.
oh just shut up already. Link’s the main character. Stop trying to fanfiction everything.
lol I’ll never understand the whole “the fanbase sucks so I can’t like this now”. What the heck does the fanbase have anything to do with the quality of the show? It’s been solid. It’s not fair to the creators or the talent involved in the show to shit on it because the fans suck. That makes you just as bad as the…
I know I have an Eva avatar but still, Misato isn’t a sad pathetic drunk. She’s a very happy drunk.
Although I agree with the setiment, I’ll be happy when people stop talking like this.
He’s clearly talking about the genre. This kind of shit is what made him turn the Rebuild films into a wag of the finger to the audience. Fans completely ruined his own work for him, and made his own work lesser as a result.
It’s a good insight as to why the Rebuild films aren’t as impactful. The original series was something that was constructed from what he was going through personally at the time and it is why it resonated with so many people. Rebuild was mostly a wag of the finger at the audience.
If you would have told me this was Destiny I would have believed you. Looking forward to one day experiencing creative art design in games.
Well I will say the thing that keeps me playing is the writing and the characters. All the characters I got to know by the final mission I actually care for, much more than most games. The way they build character relationships in this game every single developer needs to take notes.
If there was a comment that summarized a typical Kotaku regular it is yours.
My coworker all through December had me explain the difference between One and Series about 10 times when he was trying to find one to buy his kid.
Damn, that Guardian just had the worst case of the Mondays.
So I identify as straight. I only find women attractive, cis and trans women. And I suppose a non-binary person if they looked like a woman.
HAHAHA I didn’t laugh once.
I’m like the target audience for this thing, being both a huge Orson Wells fan and Transformers and there is no way in hell I would pay that much for it. I also have three kids and am approaching 40. The toy/life balance threshold here is just way too high.
I hope it does well so they can make a Console version of Honkai Impact which is a great mobile game.
I’d be happy to never see Proxima Midnight and her friends ever again.
Anyone who listened to Bloodhound Gang already knew this.