
Why are you calling me Patrick?

I’ve never been a fan of your work. At all. But I wish you the best.

The Secret Wars Inferno was pretty fun if you liked the original. It was my favorite of the Secret Wars books. Except for hipster Mr. Sinister.

You clearly haven’t read many X-Men comics if you think that is true, or you only watch the movies. Until just recently, like in the last 10 years, a main trait of Cyclops is his crushing self doubt. In the heat of action, he can plan and think fast, which makes him a good leader, but as soon as the battle is over he

Yeah. That’s the point of the story. He was trying to lie and the game actually has a second quest. Legend of Zelda is the name of the first game in the series.

You are kind of fucked in the head, aren’t you?


I think reports of him retiring were a little overblown. He was on Rob Paulson’s voice actor podcast a couple of years ago and was hurt they didn’t get him to voice Joker in Arkham Orgins, and was kind of surprised they hired a guy to just do an impression of his Joker.

It’s always hysterical to see people justify their position when they are called out as a hypocrite.

Just to clarify: This kind of censorship we are not okay with, but anime titties... that’s a no go, right?

Well no one’s talking about that in this article are they? If this was an article about world hunger, would you bring up a titty game on Vita. What an idiotic counterpoint.

I take back all the bad things I said earlier. You are probably really great, and cute.

Fetishistic? Maybe if you are a pilgrim in 1692. Go flog yourself.

Only after I come into this thread and see your stupid post.

You are a fucking idiot. Metroid was created in Japan first, you dolt. Her depiction in Prime 2 was to match her depiction in Zero Mission.

God damn, you really hate women don’t you?

Only on handhelds.

Coherent what?? God damn dude, I’m on the edge of my seat after reading that diatribe, and you leave me hanging with an unfinished thought about how I didn’t write a proper persuasive argument paper for my high school English class??

I wish Klepek had your level of professionalism. Wait for the facts to come in (or seek them yourself) before reporting. What a novel concept.

Only if you feel like a villain.