I had no idea there was a saved by the bell reboot.
I had no idea there was a saved by the bell reboot.
I think these are really fair and honest questions to ask. We often see in media that folks want representation, and they often want the actors to somehow share or understand the experience of the the character (mileage/expectation varies on this). So it does kind of beg the question around these nuances — the actor…
Do we expect him to be a spokesperson for this? Do we know he wants that?
Seems like a media problem
Also thinking that the poll matters or that the average person cares....
Best post I have seen on this network in a while.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Its not like the game is really “professional.”
No Finn and Poe payoff? Sounds bland and heteronormative. When will these movies finally explicitly disclose the sexual preferences of our favorite characters?
Maybe Bespin has a really thick atmosphere, and in the high altitudes on Bespin the air is similar to whatever breathing conditions the humans in Star Wars need.
Gravity seems to work find on that asteroid too.
Depends on the pressure and temperature at that altitude (also the density... how thin the air air is, what the chemical composition of the air is, etc). Not sure what Exogol’s atmosphere is like. Conveniently in Star Wars, everyone seems to be able to breathe wherever they need to, no matter their race and no matter…
The article title implies that this man is ordained clergy, but later explains that he is a youth leader, which to me seems like he is a volunteer at his church and not a professional minister. I think this distinction is important, and it would help in your credibility to clarify this.
I like to give to my church because I am involved in that community year-round and I trust the leadership. Since I am actively involved already, I know what they are involved in around the city, and the money helps my local community. It is great to be a part of something that is bigger than yourself.
Thanks, I will just go read the reddit thread.
Yeah I never too a proper typing class and I kind of “hover” over home row and have to look down to recenter my hands somewhat often.
Hard to quantify, but it could have ratcheted up racial tensions in public conversation.
I think these are radically different properties... one of which people came with nostalgia attached to a classic movie. Ghostbusters was first a movie and has many fans who first saw it when they were very young. Fans tend to be protective over the things they love and be strongly opinionated (see Star Wars), but I…
So... they have a traditional sexual ethic at their church. Nobody is forcing anyone to go to that church. Nothing new to see here, time to move on.
Its more likely rooted in Christ’s teachings on marriage, or Paul’s teachings in Romans 1, which condemns a plethora of sins.