Eating all those preservative does kind of creep me out. Even if it’s just a placebo, I’d feel better not of I can help it. Nothing extreme though.
Eating all those preservative does kind of creep me out. Even if it’s just a placebo, I’d feel better not of I can help it. Nothing extreme though.
Interesting video. I like that detailed kind of writing!
Poor Pluto. Never catches a break or anything crazy fun happens to you...
It’s like those forced smiles from disingenuous people. Beyond creepy. Like a politician.
These are all sweet! I want to get them all!
Super cool! Reminds me of chiptunes trackers.
Batman had this plan already! It kind of made everyone mad, haha.
Good article! A lot of people focus on the bigger numbers, but they can really get by with something much less if they do a little research.
With how terrible and greedy providers are with data in America, this is good info to know. I’ll stick to Wifi when I can.
How did you get a video of my desk?!?!? Lol, yeah I need clean mine up...
Oh wow! I usually ignore these. I’ll have to give it a look next time!
Nice! Going to try out a few of these! Got to get my snack on!
I kind of think this is playing semantics a bit. But hey, if it works it works!
What about waterproofing your boots with those special waxes? Any insight into that?
My exact situation right now. I’m more qualified than and definitely put in more effort than (some of) my superiors. I think I’ve followed all these steps, but I’m pretty sure I’m also impatient too, haha!
Seems like a lot of work and research. If I have the time, I’ll try this method out.
Seems more serious than I thought! I guess I’ll stop procrastinating...tomorrow.
This is awesome! I’m all about making things go quicker!
Really cool how versatile this game is. You can do some really cool stuff with it!
I wonder how mange editors compare to the American counterparts? Especially at bigger companies with multiple titles taking place in the same world.