
Part of me is like - if you gotta ask....

The jewel heists attracted wide attention because the bandit was a woman so bold she didn’t bother to wear a mask.

my bopner gave many points for being 20, white and slender - and my middle finger give you one standing ovation

I’m so cool because I only read books by pre-op transmen who are also gay but love a dick in their pussy - or a dick in their chickDick as they call it - but these pre-op gay transmen have to be EurAsian or it doesn’t count.

I’ve read everyone from crackers to niggers to homos, to spics, to dykes and even a couple of chinks and whatever the derogatory name for Indians are - I’ve definitely read more than most of the losers around here and I can tell you that a good book is a good book - no matter the author. If you read based on skin

the weight of your goodness and righteousness must be tough to bear - all that specialness -though I’m sorry to hear that you’re infected with half whiteness - who was the cancer bearer - mom or dad?

it’s s shame that Brown is too fucking stupid to distinguish between blackface - a form used to humiliate people of color and profit off of segregation laws and what this woman is doing - which is to create art by darkening her skin - but to the idiot Brown, it’s all dem camptown races... fucking moron

ladies, don’t listen to ANYONE who tells you your tits are not for public - I mean, your child’s consumption - whip those titties out, girls and get to flashing - I mean dick is hard - I mean my resolve is hard!

or a corroborating witness...but whatevs...

no, bitch, the patriarchy fucks YOU

you’re an idiot - moving in sucks - sure, it’s nice to share a bed and have a built in dinner date, but it grows stale SOON... don’t listen to this stupid fuck, people - don’t share your space unless you have to!

for the stylish second class citizen: keep him at bay in our sexy - BUT MODEST - coverings - and remember - if he sees your body and is excited by it - IT’S YOUR FAULT!

nothing marginalizes more than a ghetto - but whatever - enjoy the girlie show.

do you smell funny. Fat bitches often smell funny. also, young you is hot - while fat you is - just a fat fucking you...

bitches and sushi - it’s a perfect fit - smell that slit...

we’ll give you safety, a home, food in your belly, medical care and an education - but don’t start thinking we’re any better than the shithole you escaped from...

Forced cultural assimilation is looked down upon for good reason—it privileges the value system and traditions of whatever the home country is

Breaking News - suckers willing to shell out $10 for a chocolate bar are suckers...

elementary school?

“As a coalition centered on inclusion and diversity, we recognize the complex sociopolitical relationship between police forces and communities of color. Limited training in cultural competency and racial sensitivity in conjunction with the excessive use of force by police departments negatively impact Black and brown