Do you rinse the engine once prior to degreasing or put degreaser first then scrub and rinse?
Do you rinse the engine once prior to degreasing or put degreaser first then scrub and rinse?
Yes 9/11 had a very big impact and the biggest problem is what you mentioned, a whole new generation of kids growing up with the stereotype engraved into their head.
Welcome to a time period where media influenced propaganda has made the stereotype all Muslims = terrorists the norm to all those who are easily influenced by what their TV says.
There is one German exception. I present you the E46 non-M engine line up. With easily accessible oil filter on top, straight 6 layout with easily accessible coils and plugs under plastic covering, easy access to O2 sensors as well, and just a fan clutch away from access to belts, tensioners, and water pump.
Looks a lot better than the current Civic. I’m waiting to see what Honda has in store for the 2 door variant and the si variant.
UFO brakes. Walk away...
Good point in the article. This is why I opted out to buying a higher mileage car (105k) over it’s lesser mileage and almost twice the price counter car (about 40k to 60k). And even though I’ve racked up miles on her she’s my daily driver and very well maintained so she drives and purrs like I just bought her with 10k…
Inline 6’s also have a amazing sound to them!
I like Tesla’s approach when parking. A lot of people do not realize that they are hurting their transmission when they park on a slight incline and let the transmission take the braking force. That’s when you get the hard jerk when you shift out of it the next day. My habit with automatics is always to put the…
Please keep her safe at night, garaged. I don’t want to see a thread where the VR4 got stolen :/. Good job on keeping her. I would’ve done the same thing with that gem.
It’s a bird, no it’s a plane, no it’s a...satellite!
Enjoyed the story Doug. I had a very similar incident around Paramus Park NJ on route 17. I was on my way back to the city after having dinner at my cousins house. Me and two of my cousins in my car with FL tags. I know this place is a speed trap and on top of that a deer kill zone (there’s always at least a deer or…
BMW makes beautiful cars, especially a decade ago. And they’re still one of the few brands that utilize a straight 6 in their cars. Nothing wrong there.
Job well done sire!
Gran Turismo 7 needs to release sooner. Nothing is good on a PS4 for simulation racing as of today. Project Cars lacks “cars”, Drive Club is lame, and the rest of the junk is arcadish.
Hey Dave,
Ooo YAS now we’re talking!
Ooo YAS now we’re talking!
First thing first that place is close by to me.
I wish regular planes could at least fly as fast as the blackbirds for the same air fare cost.