Haha you already know it. But I don't care, I posted up my BMW logo'd sun visor proudly over the past summer. I prefer BMW too, they are just more into my logic of a proper sedan/coupe with 6 cylinders in the front and power to the rear wheels.
Fun fact, one of the main people in charge of the B-class' stateside release sits behind my desk here at MBUSA. We have about 5 of these lined up outside the parking lot. It's a neat and practical car.
Thanks, I'm torn between the two since I work for MB corporate but drive a BMW O;) .
Nonetheless 12V battery rigged right next to milk jug of gas. Totally safe.
Wouldn't this in a way promote shorter security lines and less travel delays since there are no carry on bags to check in through security? Also I'm sure the $35 checked bagged fee would be waived if this is real.
I would take off the AMG badges and wheels and make it a sleeper with regular stock wheels on. The look on peoples face when they just realized a minivan beat them would be priceless .
Now that's s a minivan I don't mind driving.
I just have one thing and one thing to say. What a spoiled sh*tbag. Learn to drive and respect a car first. In other news Lil Wayne bought his 16 year old daughter a BMW and a Ferrari. What is the world coming to. All these young kids will never learn the value of hard work and will think the world owes them.
That's pretty cool! Especially with the goggles on. Its like you are virtually flying the drone. Nice post!
Well at least it wasn't from a fire.
Anybody else disappointed in the fact of getting inside a F50 with a wet suit and a wet wake board? Like come on..
I did my undergrad at the University of South Florida. The rich study abroad students who were here for only a semester or two had their fancy SLRs, ZR1s, GTRs, etc. I've seen license plates such as "FALAFEL" and "ArabMny". These cars would all be parked outside the hookah lounges.
I need these in my office pronto!
I wonder if there are emergency stalls on the bus for situations of when you run out of fuel/sh**
The bridge looks better in condition than any of the New York ones over here.
I've done 150mph before and fly by's as well as your surroundings are passing you much quicker. He's doing about 100 to 110mph.