
You just posted “It is ok to be racist” on a irrational SJW site. What kind of response were you hoping for?

My fiance and I recently joined the Humanist Society of Scotland and are having a Humanist wedding ceremony in the fall. I'm finding this thread really disparaging. I think it's more about people who misuse humanism though..

I'll take mine callaway'd out with a big cocaine spoiler and machine gun turrets

The bullshit here is the author trying to shoehorn these tips as a rape response by Uber. You're correct, this is just a commonsense checklist to make sure the Uber car is the correct one. And that's all it is. Trying to say, "well this is a poor response to rape allegations" is a straw man argument. This isn't a rape

There are a lot of attractive white people living in poverty, but sure, let's keep going for that lay-up.

You know what? This will decimate all, after, you put about fifteen grand in it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from Japan.

Porsche 928. Those lights just make it look so happy. Plus it's such a 1980's vision of the future.

Minus forty... that's cute. Alaskans laugh at that one.

Haha.... what an appealing dose of symmetry:

Because their fathers were typically out working while the mother was home raising the kids.

You think you are going to get shit on this site for saying that being falsely accused of rape is not as bad as being raped? Are you aware of what year you live in? Where you are posting? I cannot imagine a statement less likely to get you shit on Jezebel than saying "being falsely accused of rape is less bad than

Does it bother you that much that a dude, who has no proof against him other than whimsical and weak allegations, didn't get charged with rape? You should reassess your priorities.

I'm sorry that you have such an ignorant mother. She has no business parenting a daughter.

As has been discussed ad naseum, since the alleged incident occurred off campus, the investigation was under the purview of TPD (and we can argue all day about their handling of the investigation). The accuser waited almost 2 years after the incident to make her COC complaint with FSU, at which point they began their

He didn't rape her. You're just going to have to accept that :(

Gotta love clowns who whine about racism by writing completely racist essays. If this were titled "I don't know what to do about good black people" you social justice jokers would start a holy war, but no, it's totally okay to do the exact inverse because reasons. Ugh.

Now playing

And to think, I sent this to five peoples:

Why did you leave out the third bullet point from that page of the CDC website?

because she lied before?