its almost as if this was posted on some sort of spin off blog focused on military news and stories. If only they put the name of the blog to where this story was posted in an obvious spot, like under the title.
its almost as if this was posted on some sort of spin off blog focused on military news and stories. If only they put the name of the blog to where this story was posted in an obvious spot, like under the title.
You'd think all those horses would take part in the charge... must be on riposo...
Nicht schlecht
No it's not. You simply rewrite the data many times, say about 40, and there's no way after a certain point to find the original data you were seeking to protect. There's many programs that do this with pretty much a click of a button. I prefer Eraser myself
I was just going to say "Fuck the police.", but that works too.
Also overheard being muttered by the white knights of Gawker
I love you forever
Doesn't matter! There's a woman and nakedness and a quarterback and some other men, so COLIN KAEPERNICK TOTALLY RAPED A GIRL, YOU GUYS. Now all we need are Colin Cowherd's opinion and Jaws saying he might be the best non-rapist rapist in history.
"If you are ever alone in a room with a drunk woman, you just committed rape."
When she woke up and inquired as to why she was in a hospital bed, the doctors told her that a few men brought her in because she passed out while drinking/doing drugs and they feared for her safety. She was quite relieved to hear that until the doctor then added, "April Fools! You were raped!"
So, she got really fucked up, nobody raped her and they took her to the hospital. That is what I'm gathering here. Of course immediately the Jez Brigade is going absolutely ape shit.
Elon Musk emigrated here, became a naturalized citizen, and became wildly successful. Sounds like the American ideal to me.
If it went to the actual law enforcement personnel, then anybody who cries rape with it not being a real rape isn't going to get their way as easily. Jezebel frowns on following the innocent until proven guilty approach. Screw justice. AMIRITE?
Can someone explain why instances of allegations of sexual assault which are formally determined to have been consensual should still be reported in numbers that are clearly used to point to the frequency of sexual assault? Regardless of whether or not that's how the law actually works, how is that not a statistical…
You're way behind. Guilty until proven innocent has become the major tenet of Jezbianism.
No, they shouldn't. That's ridiculous, you should not be able to punish someone for a crime that hasn't been proven. But I doubt you care about that.
"Why not have all allegations of sexual assault referred to professional law enforcement?"
It seems crazy to me, as a Brit, that American campuses are allowed to, in a sense, police themselves. Their priority would surely be to resolve issues quickly and with as little 'fuss' as possible which is hardly conducive to actual justice and, by extension, campus safety. It just seems ripe for corruption and…