

"hen realized that it was sold by a confused/malicious/whatever girlfriend"

Nissan had some great ads back in the day.

A Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden reference on Kotaku? Did I fall into a time warp to GamingW?

LOL, you were there "all day" and all you've got is a handful of quotes? Your hands must be so sore from all that cherry picking.

You clearly don't know what the word "anomaly" means. I suggest a dictionary.

At least he's got good taste in wine!

Any recidivism is too high for a sensible person, but that isn't the point.

High recidivism among sex offenders, including child molesters, is a total myth.

LOL SURE. I guess women can never be arrested anymore because all they have to do is cry sex assault and they have a right to resist arrest.

Nope, not if it was during an arrest. She wasn't sexually assaulted, she resisted arrest and is now crying sex assault to get out of responsibility. OH WELL.

having thick skin is the only reason they're able to get out of bed in the morning and not stay curled up under the covers, crying at what a horrible injustice the world has dealt them.

The article femsplains it all - it doesn't actually explain anything. "You're privileged so my actions aren't hypocritical!" isn't a fucking argument.

Yep, keep making excuses why it's different.

Grow a little bit of thick skin and accept the fact that sometimes a slap will hit those who don't deserve it.

So in other words, not a real reason. Got it.