
LOL what a profoundly retarded statement. Slaves weren't making millions hand over fist with the added celebrity of being a professional athlete - I'm sure it was SO HARD for them to have a boss that happened to be racist yet hired them anyway.

If the genders here were reversed, you feminists would be raising hell. Fucking hypocrites.

That doesn't mean it's not a composite... some darkroom gurus could do pretty stellar work.

Not really. Flip the bits enough times at random and reconstruction isn't possible

That's "Diabeetus", whippersnapper.

"If you ever THINK about being alone in a room with a drunk woman, you're a rapist."

Because reasons, obviously.

No, they shouldn't. That's ridiculous, you should not be able to punish someone for a crime that hasn't been proven. But I doubt you care about that.

"Why not have all allegations of sexual assault referred to professional law enforcement?"

My pants got a little tighter. OOoooohhhhh.

You guys say that for everything!

"there is no such thing as racism towards whites"

At least it was grounded in some realism, as opposed to the last few F&F films.

I did, faggot. Nobody can see your insipid whining since I dismissed you. I'm sure you have a male real doll or something to go fuck, so go do that.

Yeah, an fucking retard that calls tax theft is using "logic". Good luck with that. Don't bother replying idiot, I'll just delete it.

PS - if you don't want to pay taxes - then renounce your citizenship and leave. But of course you won't - you want all the protection and rights that comes with being a U.S. Citizen but you don't want any of the responsibility that the Constitution allows the government to define. You're a fucking joke.

Study after study has proven that there is no discernible difference in sensation between men that were cut as infants and uncircumcised men. You cannot miss something you never had, and speaking as a cut man, sex is just fine, thanks.

I guess she doesn't want to work as civil rights attorney then because she isn't getting hired. Law is one of the most conservative industries and if the firm won't have a problem with it, their clients certainly will, so nope.