
"given the recidivism rates for sex criminals."

Well most states have anti-discrimination laws on the books that private organizations have to follow that cover the protected classes like race, gender, and religion, but besides those they can pretty much get away with anything that could "reasonably lower the value of surrounding homes" which is so vague and open


It's like that until it isn't. I think everyone can agree that rules about cars on blocks and shitty house paintjobs are OK, but HOA's abuse that power relentlessly.

Nice Wrong Paul image.

They agreed to it as the owners of the property and that is binding to anyone that lives there. I fucking hate it but legally the HOA has the right to do this. Fuck HOA's.

HOA's aren't bound by constitutional limits though. They aren't government.

Jesus Christ I hate HOA's with a passion. I understand common sense covenants like "No cars on blocks" or "Don't paint your house neon tye-dye" but for fucks sake, they DON'T own the house is question and the value argument is questionable at best.

THE most awful? You must be new to the internet!

WHAT is that blue thing on the left? It looks like a 90's Rally Fighter if one had existed.

If only Ted could have been dead the whole time.

I would have reported that to the health dept.

He looks a little constipated.

If you think a study of only 274 people reveals anything meaningful about gender at large, I've got a bridge to sell you.

That eagle looks pretty pissed

Good luck with that, AudraTallls is a walking feminist caricature. I wouldn't bother.

And if there was some way to verify the reports, that would be splendid... but since human beings are generally shitty selfish creatures, it wouldn't take long for that to be abused.

I was thinking the same thing.

I've 'intervened' at bars three times in my life, all instances where the guy was really drunk and simply would not listen to the women they were harassing. ALL three times I was told off by the women after doing so, with a very "I can handle myself" kind of attitude.