
It’s about the Halo bars around the driver’s head (as well as down the A pillars and through the firewall to the front subframe). The BMW has a simple rollbar behind the seats. That’s fine as a little insurance against a track day rollover but its not legal for 9 second passes.

You really shouldn’t drive a car with a full Halo around your head with no helmet. No good forma street legal vehicle.

Yes. NYC police cars are in service 24 hours a day. They’re handed off from one shift to another with basically zero down time. Now they’re obviously not in MOTION 24 hours a day, but with the exception of the time spent parked at a 911 call, they’re used ALL DAY AND NIGHT.

Depends on the situation. Generally pursuits are called off before they create a hazard but as the severity of the crime and danger of the fleeing felon to the rest of the public increase, so does the level of justification for catching said felon.

Taxis and police cars aren’t driven the same way. Taxis see some rough service but they don’t get driven to emergencies 15 or 20 times a day alternating between heavy throttle and heavy braking the whole way.

They were consumer spec.....And they don’t last long. Trust me. 😉

I did that to my current car....It definitely added horsepower.

Dont have pictures but my first car was a 98 mustang with a 150 horse V6 and a slushbox. I put 2 foot long red neon lights on either side of the headliner above the doors.

Rear sparkplugs on a 4th Gen LT1 Camaro/Firebird. It’s easier to just torch the car and buy another one another this point.

Paxton SL1500/long tube headers...

My mother voted Trump based solely on the fact that she hates entitlement programs and she thought he would make my job safer than Hillary would (I’m a cop).

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who did a double take.

I don’t think there’s any reason to believe restricting a rich 24 year old silver spoon baby’s driving license would have prevented this.

While I don’t personally agree with your initial assertion that we should limit younger drivers to less powerful cars, I agree 1000000% with this.

While I think EVERYTHING sounds better with a V8, I actually think the sound isn’t bad at all in and of itself. It’s a bit exotic for a V6 and I’m sure with some noisy blow off valves it would probably sound pretty mean in some type of smaller sports car.

To quote the funniest thing I’ve heard about her so far, “she looks like she ran the 100 yard dash in a 90 yard gym.”

I agree that resources should be devoted to spreading knowledge of the civilized world within the North’s borders.

Did you just have a stroke? Are you OK?

Neither of those is a felony in that instance provided the driver had no prior DWI.

Your posts are becoming some of my favorite analysis on US foreign policy issues. Keep up the good work.