
This is besides the fact that most "meat" off animals nowadays is mostly just bone wrapped in steroids.

He re-purposed an "open source" software for his own benefit (= every single android phone maker out there)

true that. I guess until we see more of those we can't really compare. And like someone said its more of a hardware connection issue than anything else. Anyways, kudos for the info.

Speaking from a purely ergonomic perspective, aren't bezels a boon towards usability?

Lol. That's exactly the kind of attitude...actually no i don't give a damn, I'll stick to my original statement lol

Ahhhhhh Sketchup. What a Holy Grail of Arch Design.

I felt like I was back in high school physics class.

um. the primary colors are red blue and YELLOW...

So you got all the pics except the top image? Bummer X100

MANNNNNNNNNNN(or GURRRRRRRRLLLLLLLL) same here. I've been waiting for March like anything

who's asking it to? Besides fact of the matter is its still a cameraphone and the kind of point and shoots this is going to destroy aren't exactly stellar at reducing noise even BARELY. So you know it works. And there are plenty of apps that allow manual adjustment of ISO on Symbian which results in way better

Low light shots can easily be managed with adjusting contrast, iso, white balance and exposure times on S60 cameras, I know because I've used them. There are a ton of apps on older phones and much better functionality on newer phones to aid that.

battery technology is going to change by next year as well, we'll be seeing better more densely packed batteries incorporating ten times more power than right now using a lattice framework that traps ions in three dimensions (from what I remember). Again this is just one aspect of technological innovation, it will

Its sad to see the posters here so woefully trying to discount the awesome that we are witnessing here. This is a revolution, no matter how you wing it. This isn't the linear progression we've been seeing in the phone market, this is literally a whole new dimension. Download the pictures and see for yourself. This

Its gonna happen now no doubt about it. The imaging is the benchmark, not the phone. And its gonna start the race up. It'll be a shame if it doesn't.

And the point and shoot has effectively been replaced.

Here's the thing, not everyone likes to carry around a giant hulking transformer of a camera OR take pictures that are so perfect in their quality that it visually stuns the viewer.

whatever you all might say, this thing will *might* still sell like condoms on V-Day

Raiders story in 198(watever): Pulp Fiction

Raiders story in 198(watever): Pulp Fiction