
I don’t think there’s a need to find false reasons to compliment poor players, that just makes the nicety feel less sincere in general. But the general point is that instead of calling out bad plays and being an ass about it, complementing those that did play good just creates a nicer atmosphere. And when one of those

Yes. I want to see this as well. Right now I had to go visit youtube and browse the internet to find out things. I need more lore and backstory, because when I run around some zone I don’t feel heroic, I feel like a mindless killing machine.

Yes, whenever I read these articles I almost wish I’d play EVE. Amost. It sounds a bit like Game of Thrones in space really with stories happening like this.

This Giuseppe fellow’s comments do not really help me feel any pity for that team’s lateness, even if in the end it was due to jetlag....though I wonder, how does everyone oversleep? 

I think the context here might actually be part of the problem.

I don’t much care about the fact that this might be to sell more lootboxes or such. If they truly will drop more frequently (I am level 15 or so now and have been doing more events than actual campaign and have 5+3 shaders to show for it) I’m fine, but often with things that are an rng dropped consumable...I will not

Yes, things like this are just awesome. It sort of carries the same idea of the stories about EVE that you read at times. With the difference that this story makes me actually want to pick up nms cheaply and give it a go to get to this place. And with a solid chance I just might.

Just like how in the theme park ones you get statistics about ‘xx people threw up. xx people were dissatisfied with the lack of beverages’

So does this also mean that the game will require you to have an online connection at all times? So we cannot just use some hex editor tools and give ourselves a double xp modifier simply by editing a value?

Impressive is not the word I would use perse.Gathering a group of people, including some on his friend list for the sole purpose of just trolling a guy.... The same person showing up in all his streams....

“Jim! Weren’t you going on holiday today?”

I like nostalgia, really. I am a child of the NES-SNES era and have fond (frustrating) memories of playing mario kart with my friends.

Yep. This, pretty much.

but just don’t play it a lotMan, I envy you........ how do you do the initial bit where you are not suffering from the anxiety? My anxiety starts from the get-go, amplified when one of the characters I feel reasonable with is picked and forcing me to an alternative. And it’s not just Overwatch either, anything

Yeah, it’s sort of a bittersweet feeling. I just love the fact that the fucking kid screwed himself over bigtime in his attempts to screw over others. that’s just delicious karma.

I just returned to ffxiv after finally managing to get over my disappointment of when it launched (unsubbed after a month, just never felt the urge to resub till now), so too new to have had many issues aside from a login queue. But the whole instance server thing, that sounds familiar. Blizzard went through the same

That’s some nice BS there I think, wanting to have things feel consistent.

There’s no need to sympathize with pretty much most corporations. Contrary to popular believe, they do not exist to please you and be your best friend. While I am sure that there are a few people at Nintendo really wanting to give the fans what they want, those people will simply get fired if this does not also bring

I don’t understand while Bethesda feels the need to do this with something like Prey. I mean I know it is a sequel to some old game that hardly anyone played, but that’s it.

I need to do the same thing, I currently seem to rotate through like 5-7 games. Tried one, then the next, and the next, back to a good ole warcraft bout, then some of this, then some of that....and then back to the first one.