
Blizzard has introduced this RNG on RNG in WoW as well with their legendary items. And they did it to a spec breaking degree. Some legendaries are considered to be required to make the spec competitive/fun (Hay Beastmaster Hunter!). Others are (aside from ilvl stats) useless in increasing your output as a dps.

Wait...wait wait wait. You mean that writing an email with such eloquent wording and a well argued counter perspective to a company that makes a living off selling this, that this makes no difference?

While the whole infringement thing sounds a bit far fetched to me to make it an issue, I don’t mind the redesign. Mostly because I just don’t like the look.

Nah sod it. It’s a freaking menu. The device can play online games with pretty graphics and what not while still having netflix suspended open in the background or such.

I’ve had the same shit. Free PS codes group messages spam.

Well, option a) They are the new virtual sadists that are laughing with their other 12 year old friends about ruining everyone’s fun.

I recently screwed open my gaming device to install a properly sized new hard drive. After that the system had to reboot for updates and then I was able to download and install my game(long long minutes of waiting). But darnit, I had to apply a patch before I could get started. So after more than an hour I could

I guess at times we forget we are dealing with teenagers. I would think anyone with actual work experience might fall for a promise of promotion as payment and a few bucks ONCE. If you keep getting shafted with 10-15 dollars, yeah, learn to say ‘No’. But I doubt anyone whom has had proper jobs would be tricked into

Ahw, I love that statue and the idea behind it. Here we get statues that are some abstract art representation of a tree ‘made out of metal to emphasize the current trend to replace nature with steel, thus offering a contrast to the praised greenery of the town while the curvature signals how this mentality is forced

So this game made you have fun while going the evil route..... hrmmm. This is a good selling point for me because I am the same goodie two shoes; protect the innocent, grant mercy on the conquered wicked.

‘an animated series, produced and aired in Japan, intended for a Japanese audience.’

Maybe not socially awkward. But these are people whom have spend quite a bit of time as an anonymous avatars online and now for the first time are held accountable for the things they say.

Great. I had an issue with my eyes yesterday. And now I am at work, rewatching this. And coworkers think I am still not quite better due to my red eyes (totally not about to cry. Definitely not)

It is an MMO, so there will always be group content for the best gear. But with the world quests it is all far more solo-able than before.

“I paid for the game, i should be allowed to play it like i want.”, I love that one. The self entitlement that ‘their joy > everyone else’s joy’ which that excuse conveys is just brilliant.

I love the new PS4 Pro!

Yep, I bumped my head a few times buying or preordering PC - games when refund policies on games pretty much did not exist. Heck, the last one was the FF MMO before they made it good.

Ofcourse stuff gets borrowed or inspired by. But DH feels more like a demonic ninja to me, like in anime; leaping through the foes which drop dead left and right of him. But yeah, maybe class halls are inspired by. Or maybe they are just a reiteration of garrisons, which are based on player housing of game x.

Now I know what NMS makes me remember again, exploring 3d fractals. (Fractals are mathematically created repetitions that turn into pretty pictures). You could make like 3d orbs and squares and tweak a formula and then explore bits till you found something very pretty. (http://mandelbulb.com/).

Thank you for sharing this. This has uplifted the quality of my day.