
Just stay away from Brock’s practices of breeding, or don’t. I don’t care!

Didn’t know I was playing Metal Gear Solid V....

Did you just assume my team? To the hellfire with you!

Blame that philpdefranco (not me) a hole for spreading that rumor. Because he has a verified Twitter account, people will take it seriously over any other given rumor.

Majestic logo clip, but Kojima’s fetish for whales is starting to get out of hand.

And then there are parts that use no reference in manga:

Oh, thanks ^^

Now playing

Really digged the Motoko cosplay! A lil plug, but here’s my vid on this year’s AX cosplay too


this just makes me miss the old days of SNSD :(

This isn’t just a ripoff, it’s blatant stolen assets! That’s literally just Widowmaker with a few, ahem, tweaks. Bootleg? I dunno what to call it myself actually.

So is Japan finally using “Resident Evil” as part of the title now and vice versa? On Japan’s part, it would seem to be the best time using it considering the setting and tone... just don’t take away the core element of, you know, an actual Biohazard going on.

Pretty much Resident Evil riding on PT. Even the cryptic dialogue, seriously? “Who are you? Are you youuuuuuuuu?”

So instead of originally being a symbol of war (a result of a radioactive bomb), Godzilla is now a symbol of sex? Like, there’s so much depraved sex in the world it manifested into a giant reptile? XD What in the actual fack, Anno. I suppose it would make as much sense as those pretentious Evas and Angels of his.

Dunno where you’ve been living, but those glasses are not just probable, it already exists and can animate too. The only real offense about it in Watch Dogs is wearing it at night and being a douche.

Why would anyone back away if you think mouse and keyboard are dominant? The time is now to show it.

I haven’t seen anyone disintegrate like that since Pui Pui! Wait, too soon?

So is it okay to say anime characters look white again?

Well, Goku did put on armor before. It does provide some protection. For Superman, even if the face isn’t covered, it would help with any Kryptonite or magic piercing.