Well this episode was Ship-tastic!
Well this episode was Ship-tastic!
That was a nice twist, I was kind of hoping for something a bit more outsized like it was Susan all along but hey this was effective. Ah it's nice when Arrow is good,
Guys Ollie fought a Helicopter, it was really dumb but also kind of awesome, also he totally killed it. And they didn't quite let him off the hook for it.
Heck even if they don't bring Tommy back, I still expect Cosnett to show up as like a Cobalt Blue like villian
Even with them giving the E2 Laurel away in the trailer, didn't expect them to drop the act by the end of the first act. That was pleasantly surprising, Arrow seems to be picking up where it left off in terms of quality which is great.
That felt like the right mid season send off. Malcolm just sorta shows up because of course he wants to jump about time in period appropriate costume and maybe take over the world. Just the right amount of character stff over a perhaps stretched period story but fun reference heavy one at that. all in all Legends may…
Aw noow that felt like a good proper midseason finale kick in the balls, big an operatic where things went wrong and leaving me all HUH. OK Laurel better be real, but because of her deal Katie Cassidy can't just keep showing up so im weary.
the helmet is the right kind of silly a nerd like him would utterly adore
that was awesome, surpriised by the amount of coherence and fullness each individual episode provided but it still works overall. Each leg felt like that shows version of dealing with the event. Legends was rightly the place things got real big an goofy - fighting aliens on a rooftop like it's normal - while still…
Mon El totally would though it'd be great
As the first leg of this event I was afraid we wouldn't have much closure or satisfaction, and it was largely satisfactory and just the right amount of closure. If a bit quick.
Legends is really living up to its potential this season and that's just awesome. Ray, Nate, an Jax forming the dork nerd squad is kind of the best. Really surprised ho wmuch I'm enjoying Nate.
Curtis is pretty much in the Laruel spot from the time she was on the team, not a big enough character to warrant a 'c' plot so only ever around with the group in the cave with fleeting reference to a somehow functional life.
We do know one of his arms is human, maybe the other one is a sweet robot one.
Thea and Formerly Captain-Detective-Lt. Mayor Lance are really doing it for me in a surprising way.
Curious how the Netflix money influences things, CW is basically one big distributor for boutique content (their leather costumes are very fashionable) and well the two new CW series thus far have not lit up the ratings charts.
whoops was on the phone meant "a part" as in Blue Beetle Booster Gold movie should definetly exist in the DCWverse and not the DCEU.
WB said no they couldn't use the character there were 'plans'. Ironically Berlanti is now working on a Beetle and Booster Gold movie, which should honestly be apart of the DCWverse but won't
Mick refusing to deal with his emotions and overal dry gruff demeanor was really on point this episode. Ray having an existential crisis makes sense, it's fitting for a character that was supposed to be Ted Kord and became Ray Palmer.
I was at first kinda worried about LoT dealing with racisim - and with its period hoping I'm curious to see how "accurate" it's portrayal of Grant an others are, off the top of the head I wana say the North didn't really start to consider using freed slaves as a tool until about '63. Which brings up more questions…