
I know it is a matter of some dispute, but I think it is clear the monarchy overall more than pays for itself as a unique and uniquely British symbol.

Sometimes one can just tell when you’re having way too much fun writing your posts.

I’m a white man formerly married to a black woman, with black kids we jointly raise. Conversations between white and black takes place everyday in our households, and through the interactions of our extended families, as we negotiate our daily lives. (We met in Asia, and in some ways since we were both the “other”

1) What are the odds within ten years, this young lady is in prison for something or another? 2) She reminds me of that character from Twain’s “The Gilded Age” who imagines her speaking tour will be filled with people hanging on her every word, but instead mostly empty with only drunks there looking to gawk and laugh

This is perhaps as much an economic issue of who gets to be published as it is an artistic practice question. Anyone can get their stories out there by posting to the Internet or through self-publishing, but validation, access to established audiences and/or getting paid for the effort of creation are significantly

All politicians lie to one degree or another, but Trump is just in a class of his own. He is genuinely indifferent to even the appearance of truth, and whatever in the moment he believes wins the moment is all that counts for him. He’s also utterly incapable of personal embarrassment.

I read somewhere that Trump has uttered something like 500 documented lies since taking office. It’s a non-stop stream of bullshit coming from the man, and any staff would be hard pressed to keep on top of it all. Not much sympathy for them, though, just for the rest of us.

As someone who also has spent a lot of time in male-only units, I concur with what you said, but will add there was usually one sociopath who was the chief instigator. That doesn’t excuse everyone else, however, who for various reasons were complicit in the “fun.”

O’Reilly is a shitty human being who made a lot of money by being a privileged white male American giving voice to the fears, prejudices and biases of less-privileged white American people. He probably honestly thinks he has done nothing wrong, but might concede if he *did* cross the line from time to time with women,

The two problems I have here are: 1) People like Coulter *want* this kind of reaction, because it directly feeds into their narratives about the American left; and 2) every single tactic and technique employed by anyone to deny the voice of others n a public space can and will be used at some point to go after and

And I bet he lusted at the thought of putting his dick inside her.

Money = morals in conservative circles. It’s a Victorian-era concept that goes a long way in explaining how the GOP consistently gets poor white people to vote against their better economic interests.

I have kids I’m rather fond of having spawned, but they are fucking expensive and do rather limit your life options in important ways.

Has Leo ever been particularly dishonest about what he prefers to do with his dick?

Just so you know, those of us who do this military shit are not stupid.

And yet, in the very next breath they accuse the government of utter incompetence.

Any mention of Soros gets an automatic “Drink! #SorosDrinkingGame” from me on twitter. I get a kick out of all the all the things he’s accused on being behind, but part of me shudders because these assholes are serious.

I’m a divorced 46-year-old guy with pre-teen kids in a serious relationship with a 49-year-old woman with teen-age kids. We met on OKCupid within two weeks of me posting my profile, and everything has just clicked since.
My 0.2 cents of advice is to put your real self out there as much as possible. Unless you are

Every single couple I’ve ever known in real life who had rules along these lines did so because the dude got caught cheating and was trying to save his ass from being taken to the cleaners in a divorce.

That said, I don’t hang out with religious whack-a-dos, so I guess it’s theoretically possible they are actually

You accurately describe my 400+ lbs. uncle and his 300+ lbs. wife. Hardcore Tea Party and Trump supporters, they have been taking government disability and other benefits for at least the last ten years justto get them on their feet.But, man, they can go for hours without seeming to take a breath about