Maz Kanata, Eyewear Style Icon

I don’t really plan on getting married and having kids at this point, but hypothetically, I would want to both keep my name and pass it down to my children. If I’m going to go through pregnancy and labor, then the product of said pregnancy and labor is going to have my name. Hypothetical Husband can hop on board or


We got married last year and my husband took my last name. It’s so freaking awesome. We can weed out a lot of closeted bigots by their reaction, and gain quick friends who think it is awesome too. Such a simple act that speaks volumes about what we value.

Yeah, you have your virgin name and then you take your husband’s name, because you are now no longer your dad’s property, you are your husband’s and he gets to fuck you. Granted that he paid your dad a fair price of two goats and three sheep (adjust as needed). Incredibly romantic, I must say.

This would also be a great argument for more men changing their last names at marriage.

I kept my name because it’s my name. Some would argue it’s my father’s name, but name keeping has to start somewhere. Maybe people should take half of each name and create a new name. Then the kids would have one name. It’s offensive that women are expected to give up their identity when they get married. It’s dark

Not sequestering is always a mistake. The native Americans didn’t intern the European immigrants, and now look.

I saw my dad cry once in his life. It was on his deathbed when he was telling me about the Japanese internment camps he had to walk past as a child in South Texas.

Fuck this guy. My family was interned and lost almost everything during the war. Despite this my grandpa served in the Army and was highly decorated, because he believed in his country even as they imprisoned his family. To think that anyone would suggest we go down that road again... I can’t even. I literally cannot

My mother’s family is 100% German ancestry, and deeply involved in all kinds of German heritage organizations and activities. During World War II, of course, they were imprisoned against their will in the dreaded East Coast Nazi internment camps.

But there were some German ones! Good thing we interned them,too, right? Guys? Just like the Republicans are trying to limit the ability of Belgians to come to the US today?

Right. That “western values” statement was 100% bullshit. Unless the western values we’re talking about include perpetuating inequality and oppression based on race, gender, orientation, and religious affiliation under the guise of taming the savagery of the non-European world. In that case, ISIS and white Christians

To add to your comment, the former that you mentioned (i.e. Islamic culture) is fairly compatible with what the OP seems to think are the tenants of “western values”. Order, peace, respect, love, freedom, monetary aide and emotional support to marginalized persons. All of that can be found in a number of Muslim

“But in the last 100 years or so, you really haven’t seen atrocities “in the name of <insert religion>“ where religion does not equal Islam.”

PREACH. Also, it’s a bit disingenuous to pretend that Islam is the root of the problem when nobody seems to be too concerned about Indonesian terrorists. It’s easy to blame religion and “culture” when the other option is acknowledging how European and American imperialism have directly contributed to instability in

But in the last 100 years or so, you really haven’t seen atrocities “in the name of <insert religion>“ where religion does not equal Islam.

Yes, where are the colours of the Lebanese flags on National buildings? Where is #JesuisBeirut or #JeSuisBaghdad. The last time I checked Twitter, there was #Muslims and I was too afraid to click on it.

I’m in Beirut right now, and there is just no one properly reporting on the mayhem and horror here.