
5 minutes of his “best” was enough to judge since if that was his best everything else is downhill. Also I can hate the hype and the product, when I find the product to be terrible. And since he was a bit of the hot topic last year and a bit before, I got to know all I needed from second hand sources on both sides

Because of the hype. I am the backlash. brah.

Um I hate his videos, and his insufferable persona meant for small children. The only video I watched was his “best moments of 2013”, I then proceeded to click at least five more of his videos to thumb them down, so he would never be recommended for me, and I wouldn’t have to see that face pop up on my screen for a

I wonder if this would be something engineers would love to use with CAD or something.

They lost me at exclusive for Xbox One.

I think my favorite has to be when Johanna tells Uther she out classes him.

After the atrocious Witcher 1 and 2 I can’t even bring myself to even try Witcher 3, I just don’t care for it or the series anymore.

The real question is will she be as dumb as Milla from Xillia? Alright I admit that’s not fair, everyone in that game seemed to be drinking bleach.

Again, just probably me but I never felt forced since when playing the character it allowed me to learn more about how the character functions first hand so I can then slap down others that use them as a main, and plus if I could play as a hero I needed for daily, and need to get them to level 5 perfect.

I completely disagree, due to the weekly hero rotation I had enough gold from leveling heroes to level 5 (500 gold each) buy at least 3-4 heroes, with which I can main those characters. The on top of that you have the daily quests and the even more gold you get from leveling the heroes past level 5. I am currently

how is it that every LPer that has their face shoved somewhere on the screen also somehow has never taken the time to listen to their own video, and realize that their sound is turned up too god damned high, I shouldn’t have to struggle so much to hear a game over someone else, not too mention the apparent ocean and

Have they truly tried destroying Kotaku, or is the site just imploading?

I do not enjoy using my credit card online, so having a donate option on the workshop would allow me to donate to those modders, but let’s throw that question back at you. How about you? Donate much? What patreons are you part of?
Also yes I absolutely remove mods that I don’t donate to, of course not, that was not my

Honestly it was the way it was implemented, for me, that I feel was what most of the push back was about. What was before a free way to improve, and in a lot of cases fix your damn game, such as the mod patches, and SkyUI, two mods that are pretty much said to be essential to get a decent amount of enjoyment of using

Am I fan of the series? Yes. Do I enjoy that they had a game, that had plot elements, released on an entirely different system? Lord no. Also I like how you say Birth By Sleep, explains everything that happens in the series, but was released after 1, CoM, and 2. Because I need to buy another game to explain what is

That's my point. 2 comes after 1. It shouldn't be 1, cat, and then 2.

Isn't that just porn?

I'm glad your mind giant leaps in logic, from just following the plot of KH1 straight to KH2.

A bit? The sister, who I remind you is 11, has enough "ecchi" scenes I feel I should call the FBI on myself.
Not too mention the odd beginning with the sexual molestation/almost assault, of one of the main characters against her will. On top of the bullshit rule breaking that happens with logic breaking wins because

See?! I was thinking Chain of Memories! This series has such a mess of titles spewed across almost all of the consoles. Still love number 2 though.