
There's one of these in my town. It is an odd but beautiful pearly white color.

It is a three way tie around here between the older model Ford Taurus, Chevy Silverado, and previous generation Toyota Camry. They are everywhere, and their owners range from construction workers and farmers (Silverado) to middle aged suburb dwelling conservatives (Camry) to high school dropouts with multiple kids and

"High speed" testing? Since when can a base model Cobalt do "high speed" anything? I drove one identical to the one used in those testing videos, and it was a wretched little machine. Didn't shut off on me, though.

What's a Lumina 1520? The only Lumina I know is this kind.

I loved the Suzuki Kizashi. I'd have bought one if it weren't for prices and availability of repairs/parts. Closest dealer was two hours away from me and it has long since closed.

I can see the need/want for autonomous cars, especially since the American public is getting lazier and lazier by the day and driving is only seen as yet another chore that needs to be made easier.

My wife and I bought a new car last fall (2013 Mazda CX-5), but only because it was averaging about two thousand dollars less to buy a used cute ute. We figured for two grand difference, we'd take exactly what we wanted and have the full advantage of the factory warranty.

I just can't get over the fact that they're offering it with a FOUR SPEED AUTOMATIC in 2014. My Mazda3 is a 2008 and even it has a five speed auto.

Bought my '08 Mazda3 in late 2009, with 12,200 miles on it. It's in my driveway today with just under 59,000 miles. In the four years and 47,000 miles, I've only had to replace the passenger side upper motor mount. It cost me $115.00 and literally twenty minutes of my time.

My first car was a base model 1992 Chevrolet Beretta with the anemic 2.2 OHV four-cylinder and a three-speed (yes, three) automatic. Together, my grandpa and I replaced its alternator and upper and lower motor mounts. It had a crap ton of other little issues but those were the most pressing and it felt good to know

My wife drives that same model Chevy Malibu and there is nothing joyful about it at all. So, I find it hard to believe that the kid took a "joyride." Perhaps just a point-a to point-b drive with plastic interior parts falling apart and lower-intake-manifold gaskets seeping Dexcool everywhere. Something along those

Ha. My phone corrected "Cobalts" to "Combats." Same difference.

August 2009: My 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT had served me faithfully for 31,000 miles, but its transmission was failing and the catalytic converter had somehow kicked the bucket as well. I was moving out of town and wanted something small, economical and reliable to handle big city parking as well as the trips back home