
I think Tesla gets away with a 18% test drive rate because most Tesla buyers are probably on the tech savvy side, so research and comparison shopping is usually already done by time they’re ready to pull the trigger.

There is also little else on the market comparable to a Tesla where driving dynamics might become a

Every GM worker since the dawn of the company slowly shakes their heads.

Tesla online sales are still direct from the manufacterer.
You aren’t routed to a local dealer to complete the transaction.

You configure and pay right on the website.

Do people commonly go to a dealer and say “I want this model of car, but less fuel efficient, please. Can you remove all that Cali emissions stuff?”


This is the crux of the argument for the MFG’s. - it behooves them to simply make the car that meets the most stringent regulations and sell that across the board -

The only noose around the balls of manufacturers is the one Trump is putting on them by trying to use them as bargaining chip to Ex-out something Obama did. From what I can tell, the Big3 are not wanting to go Trumps way and want to keep the Obama era rules and do side with California already. So then Trumpy attacked

Large SUV: Ford Expedition


I want whatever drugs they pass around at JD Power.

*for model years 2013/14/15

Because it’s not like the current crop of automakers haven’t done everything in their power to ensure that Telsa can’t sell their cars any way but how they sell them, simply because they are beholden to an
anti-competitive system they lobbied for, for the better part of half a century and are too large and stupid to

Considering how many tanks and vehicle/armor columns we took out with the A-10 Thunderbolt II (you know, that stellar technilogically advanced platform we rolled out in.. uh, 1977) I don’t think we have much to worry about. We HAVE air supremacy right now (in regards to protecting and augmenting Tank columns) even

We had an intersection like this in my town.

Both streets approached one another at a very sharp angle, and only one side went at a time, each could also turn Left and right during their cycle.

So, as you can imagine, even when the light was “Cross” you couldn’t because there was always a steady stream of cars turning

We have the means, just not the will. My cell phone convo at 55MPH on city streets is way more important than the aggregate safety of everyone around me. My cell phone convo sitting at a green light for the entire cycle - MOST IMPORTANT!!!

I blame: Privatization of Drivers ED (Pay for Play)

How much incentive does the company you’re paying $600+ dollars to train you to drive have to fail you if you’re poor at it? Almost None.

And that is before even getting to the folks that need to constantly finger fuck their cell phones while driving.

Every fucking car these days has beepers and back-up cameras.
If Karen doesn’t fucking see me in the lane - I’ll take the tap and she can pay the premium hike on her insurance.

My only regret is that I have but one star to give you.

My guess is there is a parking spot near the entrance to the lot that Karen is trying to get out of, But, in true Chad & Karen fashion, no one stays to the sides of lanes and un-lined roads (like neighborhoods) nope, everyone has to drive right down the got-damned center of everything.

When they’re all up on the spot so much that you can’t even back out to leave the sport for them to take it - they deserve it.

But hey, don’t fuck with the people trying to park I guess... I mean if you won’t let people LEAVE the fucking spot , then whose the asshole again?

I’ll do something like this if I’m already sitting there but not to the point of leaving yet. Sit there long enough and people aren’t sure if you’re leaving or just got there, and will usually just move on.

This is why I never walk down my own lane when going back to my car.
It’s fun when you have a parking spot vulture following you down the lane waiting for you to get to your car so they can take your spot, only for them to see you cut through to another lane where you’re actually parked.

It works.

Have this star I had left over from the year 2007, you magnificent bastard!