
Do you want a car or a garage queen?

Yeah, I don’t really get this either - so people drive around with shitty dirty windshields so they aren’t getting wiper fluid over spray on other cars?

You really care more about the car behind you getting some over spray liquid on it than you do being able to see out your windshield?

You belong on a bus if this is

Yup - just had this happen the other day - line of cars from the intersection, really small 2 lane no turn lane, with side streets.
Our light goes green, this dude is like 3 cars back and decides to sit there so side street lady can turn left across our lane - but, there was oncoming traffic too, so she sat there

People that go 10 under in a 45 and when that same road’s speed limit goes down to 35 they start going 40.’s because they want to stop as fast as they possibly can so they can finger fuck their cell phone again. Who cares where everyone else is stopped..

A turn signal being on automatically bestows them with the right of way to the lane I’m already in.

Worse: The light 1/4 mile up turns red, and the second it does asshole start coasting. Super fun when you want to get to the turn lane before the green arrow ends and jack arse is going straight and has no fucks to give for anyone else.

See: inattentive / self absorbed / I’m the only person on the road who matters.

Being inattentive and unaware is it for me.

Yet the dude that is hyper-mileing a Prius is seen as some sort of car savant around here.. LoL

“We have been publishing the occasional piece that does anger people as some topics seem too toxic to discuss rationally.”

Problem: toxic issues that can’t be discussed rationally.

Solution: post about same topics using satire - when it’s not immediately apparent that it is supposed to be satire.

I mean I get being

The thing that gets me is that Cherry should be all for this. Cherry is himself the equivalent of these celebrations but for the sport of Hockey. He resorts to outlandish displays to create a buzz and get people talking about Hockey (good or bad).

Can you please point to the specific clause in the current labor agreement between the players association and the league that states that players should be paid whatever number they and their agents create without any counter offer or right of refusal?

Why not ask for a trillion? There must be some logical reason,

Being Black: Untrustworthy.
Being Gay: Untrustworthy.
Proven record of corruption, abuse of authority, and brutality: 100% trustworthy.

I got tired of not being able to see around everything else on the road.
And it’s not like I was driving a miata.

It’s neat to see the stuff, agreed. The rest of it however serves to perpetuate the bromance Edison and Ford had with one another, and today it feels like a story play more than history. The amount of importance Ford and Edison placed on themselves with this place sticks out like sore thumb.

It’s a giant ‘victors write

If your team isn’t ready to win a championship - this guy isn’t going to win it for you either, and you’ve effectively blown 300m that you could have used to pay down other debts and bide your time till you are in a better position to contend for real. People forget this is a business too, and some times, it makes

Wait, we trust the Chicago PD now?

Assholes being treated exactly how they act. But, lacking the conviction to change for the better because of how much they don’t like their own shit when that is what they get back.

You aren’t taking anything, and you aren’t standing up to the man. You’re bending over for him, taking it up the arse, thinking it’s your idea, and asking for more. Cowards run to the frocks of authoritarians.

No one is ruining your government but you.
No one hates your country but you.
If you fancy people should

“The little kid matches are the ones that bring out the worst in the parents.”

Youth Hockey Coach - can confirm.