
So your sources are a budget office score from 2016, and some random ‘looks totally legit’ web site that actually used the word “guestimate” for its figures. I.e: Cherry picked.

If we’re insolvent today, it’s because of the Republicans who glad-handed “entitlements” in the way of tax cuts to the people who needed it

LOL - Because the only thing we can cut from in a budget to save money or reallocate it else were is “entitlement spending” so Entitlement spending is always the “problem”.

Got any more self-fulfilling, cherry-picked bullshit to lay out?

And I quote:

“I do not fear people from anywhere in the world unless they subscribe to a religion that calls for my death daily.”

Followed by “I’m not scared of Islam* - Half my family is Muslim.”

*funny that for someone that knows so much about it, you don’t use the proper terminology. You must respect it, we can tell.

People that trade in their SUV or truck for a car every time the price of gas goes up 50 cents are the same people that cash out of stocks everytime they dip a few cents. Maybe we’ve figured out that these prices are mutable and don’t hedge our lives on every tiny fluctuation in the markets.

Maybe if the media had covered these incidents as breathlessly as they cover every Tesla that gets a dent, they would have.

I’ve never owned a jeep, but have been part of a similar community...

An out of warranty, modified performance BMW.
Yeah, good luck w/ that.


Crack Pipe - at the end of the day, it’s a 12 year old GM car, built in the throws of the worst time for Old GM. ‘06 to ‘08. And it’s been modded.

I seem to remember nearly everyone on the ‘Stang yesterday saying modding that car was not good for resale. But here it seems to be a boon?!


Just like women now have the ability to make any allegation they want and have it believed without evidence, or proof to support it.

I’m sure no one would ever abuse that, would they?

Gee, who would have ever seen that legitimizing every complaint without proof would lead to this sort of situation.

If’in the jack don’t blast through the rusted out jack points into the unibody - it ain’t done rusted enough.

I think it’s funny that the restaurant needs to do the math for their patrons to ensure that their wait staff gets a fair tip (better wage) but the restaurant doesn’t seem to care enough about the wait staff to just pay them one too begin with.

We don’t know how things work, but you think the reason this system is employed to keep meals affordable?

Thanks, I needed a laugh today.

*looks at garage*
*looks at car*
*looks at price*


AKA: More money than sense.

Yet another ‘collector’ that thinks just because something is expensive, that makes it more desirable or collectible while not paying any homage to the pedigree of the vehicle.

I’m going to run something like this off the back of my Truck topper - we often go to the beach where there are no changing rooms or facilities, so having something like this is a must.

This right here shows you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about, because to take a family of 5 anywhere, all you need to do is fit ONLY the people.

Again, who the fuck are you, and why does your fucking opinion of what I need or don’t need matter?

It doesn’t you’re being an self important douche bag troll, and someone like you doesn’t belong here... YOU and assholes LIKE YOU are what is wrong with this site. You’re actually bashing people that own cars they want,

Whines about people owning SUV’s and trucks needing to
“justify” their wants and needs via a 10+ post screed justifying why he’s so upset by it.

Sad little man.

Again, who the fuck are you, and why does anyone NEED your opinion?

LOL - U mad Bro.