
She didn’t attribute her silence to the NDA, but told Vox that, looking back on the situation, it was clear that the confidentiality agreement was part of a culture of silence. “Nondisclosure agreements are about following the rules,” she said, “and not rocking the boat is about following the rules.”

This is how I feel about group texting and also I wish no one had taught my mom and my aunts how to do it. Tho I would not refer to it as a ‘chain.’ 😆

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I love La La Land but recognize it is not as great as last year’s awards season hype. I can’t believe it was made, let alone had that kind of momentum going into the Oscars.

Ireland looks great, but this campaign makes no sense. She seems pretty cool with walking around naked anyways... What’s the dilemma?  

Fuck PETA. They aren’t about what they want you to think they’re about.

Why would Sally be embarrassed? I think it’s the sweetest thing ever - why not use her celebrity to hook her son up with a hot Olympian? I’m a mom (my kid is still little) and I would do this in a heartbeat!! I hope they end up dating.

Congratulations Dippy!

But did Jen and Justin “consciously uncouple?” Because I hear that’s how you do it in Hollywood.

A friend of mine told me he’s getting divorced and he and his wife have been separated for a year. They’ve been married a little longer than Theroux and Aniston.

If I fuck my mayor, will he remove the speed bump/mountain near my apartment?

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Today’s WH press briefing was cancelled, ‘because of the Florida shooting’

Another school shooting and we all know the drill

There is still some justice in the world: in South Africa, a pride of lions killed and ate a poacher.

I miss LaComtessa, (I think) - always very smart writing. There’s more ... can’t think of their names right now.

Yeah. I have to second your info. As someone who has attempted suicide in the past with moments still of suicide ideation, this week has been kind of rough avoiding as much mention of his death as possible.

Why is it transactional?

If you go to the link it gives more context. It’s the fact he asked for a kiss for checking his fantasy football scores and then asked for a second longer kiss.

As a suicide prevention advocate and a suicide loss survivor, I urge you to follow guidelines about reporting on suicide, which include not including method of death, especially in a headline: