I doubt politics was the reason he attacked him. I think a lot of people have neighbor disputes over dickish things their neighbors have done.
I doubt politics was the reason he attacked him. I think a lot of people have neighbor disputes over dickish things their neighbors have done.
Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!
Yeah, I know that politics aren’t unlikely, but it would be an interesting twist if this whole thing was over some “you built your new fence 2 inches onto my property and won’t re-do it” kind of neighbor drama.
If you go and actually read the comments on this story at the Sun’s (thesun.co.uk) website, you will see a bunch of emotional and unhinged Brits screaming about how Rudy was framed and Knox is a slimy murderess who got off scot-free because she was white or pretty or something.
I lived in Florence for almost two years and have extensively returned for work related purposes, throughout Italy. The media and police (both military-based and local) can be incredibly biased and constantly worried about “saving face”. Of course this doesn’t represent every individual but I’m not surprised…
We get it Donald. Hillary cheated. That’s the only way she could have beat you by 3 million votes.
I thought I did not give a shit about 45's tweets. I was wrong. I’m multiracial and half Indigenous. If I let myself dwell on it, him referring to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas is enough to make me cry. This season can be emotionally taxing on Indigenous people. In early October, we deal with the fuss between…
Trump absolutely does not know the word “apoplectic”....
I agree with you but I also agree with having these insurance policies. (OK, OK, it’s apparent I work in insurance - I’m not a salesperson, though.) Anyway, when you buy these policies the value is in the defense costs vs. the actual liability limit.
Also, most of the companies that buy these policies and have claims…
My apologies in advance for the caps
Some people find her obnoxious. I get it. This isn’t her fault but whenever I see news items about her I think about that time her husband blocked me on twitter because I pointed out that his “Putin is so awesome” joke was shitty given how much violent homophobia he incited. This was before the 2016 election but still.
To paraphrase a guy in the HuffPo comments section, “I’ve been very very gay. I’ve been very very drunk. Neither has ever resulted in me making a move on a 14 year-old.”
I enjoy that Kristen Bell’s daughter made her dress up as Elsa, instead of Bell’s character. Kids are so great at casual evisceration of your ego.
Not sure there is any good way to tell someone you don’t find their kid as fascinating as they do...
I agree with your assessment of this person in general but agree with Jane’s advice. If you are truly repentant and cheated once (not multiple times), don’t tell them. The cheater should feel guilty and like shit, but not dump shit feelings on another.
Holy shit...did I just read ~good~ advice in this column this week? Weird!
You know how some people have, like, a unique smell in their houses that is kind of mildly unpleasant (this happens a lot with people with dogs), but how if you’re there for a while you get used to it. And you know the owners don’t even recognize their house has kind of a weird, slightly unpleasant smell. Because it’s…
1) Thats not how addiction works you ancylostomic coprolite.