
“But he wanted to consolidate, and it went and dropped to 35 degrees below zero, and that was the end of that army.”

People don’t realize he loves holding my hand. And that’s good, as far as that goes.

I sure he has/will, even if it’s never made public. Joe Biden is a class act, and he worked with McCain for decades in the senate.

Probably. McCain was old school Senate like Kennedy. Those bonds are close. Many of them had respect for each other as people even when they think they are wrong about everything. When Sen. Wellstone died suddenly some of his ideological foes were clearly too shaken up to talk to reporters. A couple of fairly

Agreed 100%. It is possible to separate your opinions about his politics from the pain and sadness of fucking BRAIN CANCER.

I met him once at a campaign event when he was running for President (long story and a weird night...I was essentially an undercover Democrat), and this was after encountering him at random times as an intern in Congress. I was always disappointed by his politics, but not by him. There’s a reason he was popular with

Yep. Cancer is a bitch and has no conscience. I lost my dad to lung cancer and the memories of his last weeks on this earth still haunt me three years later. I feel for his family. No political comments are needed at this time.

We need more stories like this. Politics isn’t all people who would shiv each other for any given lobbyist. Agree or disagree with policies, and I disagree with a lot of McCain’s, working with people and seeing them as human is not a weakness. I’d love to see Congress go back to being/become for all people a place

I was an intern in the Senate in college and one day we interns were treated to lunch in the Senate dining room (a more formal place where you have to eat with a Senator). All of us interns were traditional students at major universities, except one guy who was in his early 30s, in community college after serving in

My grandfather had this kind of tumor. His body lasted almost two years, but his personality didn’t. It is a heartbreaking way to die and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. This definitely accounts for some of McCain’s recent vagaries.

My feelings about John McCain are conflicted. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him over the years. I have seen one of my aunts die from cancer. It was horrible for all of us to watch her die. The last week of her life was one of the worse of my life. If his experience is similar to my family’s, his family is going to go

[With the enormous caveat that of course I disagree with a majority of his policies:]

Glioblastomas are just a bad way to go, and you will definitely go from them in a fairly short time period. I’m so sorry for him and his family.

You may disagree with him politically, but anybody who went through what he did in Vietnam deserved to die in his sleep after a long retirement.

As much as I dislike McCain, I’m sorry to hear about that. Cancer sucks. And from what I’ve read, this is the sort of cancer with a pretty low survival rate.

No. I don’t care how much the guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish glioblastoma on anyone. It took my grandmother in six months and it’s awful.

Who doesn’t like John Oliver????

Now playing

John Oliver covered civil asset forfeiture. (FUCK SESSIONS)

It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

Its been a good week between this and Ann Coulter getting treated like crap on her Delta Airlines flight. Its the little things...

Judge Kara Brown, ladies and gents.