
"but the zune brand was always the punching bag of the gadget world..."

"After all, everyone predicted that Google's Nexus devices would decimate the Android market - instead it set a hardware baseline that everyone strived to beat."

The rule of thumb around here is that any tablet that's presented with fanfare is an iPad killer until proven otherwise. We've already had scores of Android devices, from the Xoom to the Kindle Fire that have been crowned "iPad Killer." It's only fitting that a device that was briefly demoed, has no apps, has no

"Really is the RAM, Processor, and Price really a mystery?"

That's a funny sentence. The Zune was better than the iPod except it was the Zune? Sounds great!

Yeah, I know, but that's why I was saying that you'd have been better served by reading the original article. It wasn't a diss on you.

"Even if that wasn't mentioned, I would expect you to know what I mean because Im on a damn tech blog, because I expect the regulars here (hello star) to know whats what in the tech world."

You would have been better served by reading the original article over at The Verge. The connection to Twitter (really, the connection to any site that aggregates content) is that this case could weaken a website's protection from being liable for the activities its users engage in. If I go on Twitter and post

This article is assuming that anything other than a microscopic minority of consumers have the ability or the inclination to attempt a repair of their computer on their own.

"Why do you guys keep twisting what I am saying to make an opening for an argument or debate. Google Maps Dev team is NOT Google themselves and thus not as concerned about revenue streams."

Why wouldn't they deal with it the same way the iPad does?

"Actually Im pretty sure they were drinking a margarita. While Im glad that Apple is in the maps game now, they have a ways to go before they are on the same level as Google. "

I don't think you fully appreciate how people personally respond to theft and extortion. Remember, not only did Gizmodo pay for the stolen prototype, they also refused to return it unless Apple e-mailed Gizmodo back with confirmation that this was their next iPhone. Nothing illegal about that, but the reaction is

This is for app-to-app communication and direct passbook app access. So when you buy something in the Fandango App, you can pull up your movie ticket in the passbook app.

"What I do with Spotify for example. No need to store it. "

"Bloomberg reports "Tim Cook was the highest-paid chief executive officer in the U.S. last year," comprised of a modest "$378 million, [including] salary, perks and bonuses ($1.8 million) and a one-time stock award ($376.2 million), that extends over 10 years.""

The random sample is to high to think otherwise.

You should listen to the TAL version, which includes interviews with Mike Daisey, where he continues to pretend that his show is factual. Also note the full TAL press release, which directly accuses him of lying to fact checkers (which has nothing to do with his "performance") and obstructing the fact-checking process.


It's not obvious when you ask someone point-blank "is this true?" outside of the context of the performance, and not only does that person say, "yes, it's true," but they also obstruct you from fact checking (for example, not sharing the contact info of the translator). He flat-out lied; this isn't an issue of art, or