
This article doesn't mention that the trackpad all of these ultrabooks try to imitate from the Macbook don't work nearly as well as the Macbook's trackpad, forcing you to use a mouse peripheral. There are some theories on why none of these guys are able to make a trackpad that actually works well, but whatever the

There is a 0% chance that they make a hardware announcement at this event. There is a greater than 0% chance that they announced some steeper education discounts. Not likely, but at least plausible.

"A writer can read for recreation, but if that reading turns up in their future works, then that would be stealing."

Methinks you completely missed the point of the analogy.

Yeah, because if you're a writer, the only reason you'd ever read other books is to steal from them.

+1, sir.

"Think about it. If intel wants to demo THEIR hardware on a big screen possibly provided by the hosts of the expo, then they'll have NO idea of what video inputs to the big-screen (if ANY at all) that they'll have made available to them, or even if the display computer's OS will have the drivers or be appropriately

Right, but fixed lenses tend to be of exceptional quality (thus that price). "4x zoom lenses" or any other lens described that way tend not to be.

Seems like a waste to pair an APS sensor with a 4x zoom, no?

Can't believe you even put in the effort to respond. Shame on you.

I think a lot of the readers here are getting fooled by these pictures. Even the Sony NEX line, with the lens, is smaller than a DSLR. I don't want to argue over the word "compact," but it's small.

You know, I keep hearing people say things like this, but if you actually use your camera, and you know what you are doing, the only thing cheap about a DSLR is the body. To get real value out of your DSLR, you're spending upwards of $2000, probably more, because the lens is so important and expensive. So these

Yeah, I'm thinking he just meant that it's a much bigger sensor than in one you'd find in a point and shoot. Actually, it's also a lot bigger than one you'd find in a Micro Four-Thirds camera as well, but it's not full-frame.

That camera is definitely not the same size as a DSLR, sorry. It's not close.

"The iPhone isn't an all-touch phone, technically, either."

Really? I don't even notice it. You can close out the Ping interface, you know.

The idea that Google's motto is "Don't be evil" is such a cynical ploy, I'm surprised how much writers give it weight. It's so obviously bullshit that it's not worth talking about, except when Google brings it up.

"I would say brand image and all the misinformation about their competition. (For example, I do not find Android devices difficult to operate at all.)"

That is not an all-touch phone. There are buttons along the bottom.
