
Here on the Internet, hate is always on the menu.

Go nuts. Change whatever you want. I'm glad they started reinventing the wheel over and over again so I could finally out grow this franchise.

And forever to install it. It's taking me an hour and on for the 9GB Undead Collection so far.

what a slutty umd.

So if other journalists asked him to go fuck himself, will we get another press conference?

I hope this is a wake up call for them to start putting in proper insulation in buildings. I swear my apartment is like a wind tunnel in the winter. Drafty as fuck. And as soon as the heat is off, it gets cold almost immediately. They sell heating blankets, carpets, tables with heaters, heat fans, gas stoves, and

I don't think anyone said anything about hiring her for her intelligence.

So people will slowly be able to start making accounts that aren't tied only to their what everyone else has been doing for a long ass time? Great!

I didn't study zoology, but I still have no idea about these things. Not much anyways. I've read a little about it before though and here's why.

"If you catch a friend or loved one reaching for a Facebook game", smack them with a rolled up newspaper like a dog.

Wow, 43% of 14+ cans of coke guzzlers carries a gun or knife. What about the other 57%? What do they carry? Also, does this mean that drinking an extra case of soda will increase your urge to pack heat by 20%?

Wait, so only the mutant mosquito will self explode or will both the mutant and the normal mosquitoes explode? How many mutant mosquitoes does it take to take out Dengue fever? Could someone ask Siri?

Because the men are suppose to stop short.

Are the memory cards proprietary? I thought they look like the M2 memory sticks that Sony makes. Also, do you have to save on the game cards for the ones that you could save on the card?

Second that. I didn't rank up that much because I mostly played splitscreen online, and because of this, I got my friends hooked on Warhawk.

After reading this, I feel the need to go buy a waffle iron and put my cardiologist on my speed dial.

How about a quail egg in each square?

Thanks. I'm waiting for Mario, but I'm still just a bit antsy since I haven't played any games on the 3DS that wasn't a remake of something.

Off the top of my head, RPGs that you're missing out on that's only available on UMDs: Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts. Depending on your taste, the Super Robot Wars are Japanese and UMD only, but it's niche. I got Persona 3, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Cladun, and Monster Hunter from the PSN store, and I got them all when

What? It's like, "hey, we don't care about your 3D, Nintendo!" Ok, we'll let you make movies then. "Hey, we want more games!" Ok, we'll let you send diaries to your friends.