
Boy, is my face red. I bought the 3DS with anticipation of this game.

5 player co-op to make Voltron QWOP? The robot fight looks like it should be on the PS1, while the part that seems more interesting, the co-op shooting part, was only shown for a second.

Are those unique PS3 characteristics related to the requirement of hard work? Square Enix can't seem to make a decent original game on the PS3, and now they are porting another game that no one asked for. And a straight port at that! At least Nintendo had the decency to upgrade the graphics on Zelda for the 3DS. But

Can you jump?

Yes. It's not ok to have video games on your mind when you're in your 30's. You should be thinking about writing books on turning stupid ideas into the next Shamwow, going on TV and talking about things you have no knowledge on, and giving advice to people who are dumb enough to watch your show. They're only listening

My local big chain supermarket here has a point reward system, and you get double points when you use the self-checkout lanes. There would be hoards of people lined up with a month worth of groceries in their carts and I'd have to wait forever. There were many times where I had to give up shopping, or shop at 3am.

And back in those days, it was much easier to impress the masses.

....and it will be out before the PSN store comes back. Another big middle finger to all the customers who bought the PSPgo.

That's pretty amazing, but I guess they couldn't really price it any higher than that, could they?

So it's cheaper to buy the limited edition? Is this a first for Japan?

Lol, tell us how you really feel.

I'm on the Asian side, and unfortunately, our services have yet return.

I didn't use to care about online gaming so much. I still don't. Mostly. But with the recent loss of the PSN, there is a void in my gaming life. I notice I don't play my ps3 as much, not even the ones that could be played offline. Maybe it's because I lost the connection to my gaming friends. I don't see them online.

Do that a few more times and a yellow light will come on. Happened to me last year.

...bought from whalers on the moon?

And I guess "Abcde" is no good either.

How exactly does anyone know these particular rocks are from the moon? Does she have a certificate or a receipt or something?

After years of playing JRPGs, you'd think people would be used to seeing guys looking like girls.

I can just see someone buying this on the first day, and then cutting it up on video and posting it on the internet because it didn't meet his expectation (e.g. no sandwiches, no feet massages, etc.).

My launch 60gb PS3 died last year with the YLOD, but I think it was due for it anyways. Funny thing though was that this happened when I was playing Red Dead Redemption. As a bonus, the R2 button on the controller I used for GTA4 is completely worn out.