@Jawmuncher: I hope so too. I remember Outbreak actually brought the survival horror back to the series. Nothing like hiding in the locker and watching your fellow survivors get eaten alive.
@Jawmuncher: I hope so too. I remember Outbreak actually brought the survival horror back to the series. Nothing like hiding in the locker and watching your fellow survivors get eaten alive.
@Ryodestined: Agreed. That game was unfortunately released in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I bought the full costume pack for SF4, but I would've save my money if I knew they were making a Super SF4 at the time (sigh).
@Jandau: it has always been my dream to punch a horse in the face. Maybe I'll get to live out my dream in the game.
@tim rogers: If that happens, I believe I'll have faith in the human race again.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: I was thinking the same thing. I hope they don't turn that game into something like the EXE series dealing cards and shit.
@FoBScHooLBoY: I couldn't add funds to my wallet for some odd reason. If this error continues I'll have to get them PSN cards. It just sucks that I won't be enjoying this 'Nightmare' on Halloween.
I've been having trouble with my PSN account lately, or else I would've been playing this for the last 2 days. :(
@jay13x: Sadly, even those storytelling cliches have taken a backseat in games these days.
@DocSeuss: THANK YOU! You are so hearted, sir. If I was a FF character and I was told to live in that world, I'd eat my own ultimas.
@Captain Trips: That is truly uncanny as I too share such memories. Good times....this was the game that made me sell my N64 to get a PS1. All this reminiscing almost brought tears to my eyes.
@Captain Trips: I got them on the PSN also and playing them reminded me that life in FF was much simpler before the age of PS2.
@DocSeuss: I know. I was shocked too.
Quite inconvenient, but if my laptop was old, I'd want this guy to steal it. Saves me the trouble of backing up my data and disposes the laptop for me. If I went to Best Buy to do this, they'd probably charge me.
@Captain Trips: You thought IX was good too?! Can I heart you?
I hope it's not an exclusive. Why should PS3 owners be the only ones to get shitty FFs? 360 owners should share in our misery too, especially the Japanese ones. Maybe the next time they do some game testing they'll actually listen to the feedback.
@TheWP changes avatar, hopes selfmade avatar doesn't suck: Someone was telling me the other day that when you say "nande" to someone you don't know very well, its literal meaning is "why", but what you're really saying is "what the fuck?"
I wonder if the group that got to test this game bought the game. I'm sure some people don't mind getting paid to do nothing, but for those people in the group that actually cared enough to give some well thought out feedback, and then watch none of it show up in the final product, has got to be disappointed.
@stuartng: Yes, I am probably spoiled by western games. Perhaps I'm expecting too much from Japanese games. I think that there are ways to make Monster Hunter more international friendly, and other games as well. But it seems to me that rather than changing any parts of the game to make it so, they would just say that…