
I hope we'll be able to actually play these kinds of stages without getting it taken down for copyright issues.

If I had the money to buy an Eames chair, I'd buy one.

I think they've got PSP2 all lined up to show at TGS, but then Capcom started making Monster Hunter 3rd. Sony is probably now just waiting for the release of MH3rd to squeeze a few more yen from the Japanese. And once sales have slow down, PSP2 debuts.

I always thought Chun Li's Alpha costume was better than her original one because it looks more natural. I understand they represent the countries they're from, but having them wear normal clothes just seems more realistic. Really living up to the name "Street Fighter". You can really picture two schoolgirls fighting

When I looked at DMD, I thought Devil May Damned, which might be good considering the collaboration between the developers.

I just saw something like this the other day. The scooter part was made of plastic and for kids. It was horizontal so the kid is standing as if she was pushing the stroller. I thought that was a good idea, but I'm not so sure about this.

At this point, shouldn't the title be "Corporation Evil"? I mean, there really aren't any 'residents' anymore, are there? They wiped out the whole planet! And they are still doing experiments...? And people are still working at the corporation because they can use their hard earned money at NOWHERE!

@perry570: If you have a choice between 2D and 3D, go 3D. If you have a choice between watching it or doing house chores, do house chores.

At least this is better than the King of Fighters, right?

I think my heart stopped for a second.

@Instantpontaneous: When I saw this, that's the same thing that went through my head. I went to the same school with that 18 y/o and one of the 10 y/o is the brother of my friend.

Again with the "To The End", man! I know that sounds better and makes more sense, but come on! Just write what they wrote so we could laugh at it and be confused.

Playing MvC2 with the Sega arcade stick was awesome. There weren't any sticks that could even come close to it. And it could take a beating!

Today should be the day they pump out good PSOne titles on the PSN.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: As much as I like the analog sticks, that original controller is a constant reminder of first game I got on the PSone, Street Fighter Alpha, and the fun times I had churning out hadokens.

@Eskobar: I hear anything with a 4 is also considered unlucky, so I guess we should skip the next one too.


@Eskobar: Thirded(?) Just move on. It was an unlucky number anyways.

Ok, Luke. Now show us the worst of the King of Fighters movie.

Yeah, why should Japanese PS3 owners be the only ones to enjoy a crappy Final Fantasy? Xbox owners should also have the opportunity to endure this crapfest masterpiece.