
He said some things "weren't possible with only a camera".

@Lockgar: Perhaps, but I don't think Japanese tea enthusiasts are as violent as some gamers though. At least I hope so.

Would this really be an effective ad in Japan? I mean, these are pretty aggressive in Japanese terms. It's like holding up a sign in Tokyo saying "tea is not supposed to be green!"

Maybe they could make it a glass bottom ride. Perhaps not very entertaining for the passengers, but it would be for the other drivers.

@ILLKnOwLeDgE: The cars underneath: "Oh shit, it's making a turn."

I'm sure a lot of the people in amusing pictures I come across on the internet are good people once you get to know them, but I'd like to stay unfamiliar to the people in the pictures posted on People of Walmart and just keep on laughing.

From my experiences, PC gamers are the people you SHOULDN'T fuck with. They either have been secretly taking karate classes or packing some sort of box cutter all the time, just waiting for that moment that some jerk to take advantage of them so they can let loose.

@kevldulf: Maybe it's for the better because your company is not vulnerable to an attack.

@yanipheonu: Those mouthless faces were what FF characters are about, not crazy hair and capri pants.

14 hours in GTA4, mostly spent drinking with Roman and watching tv.

"Cool appearance allows you become a trend-spotter immediately."

@Yossarian: I've always thought that in Japan, the services are great because they always put the customers first, thinking about the customers. I mean, there's no tipping, for god's sake!

I enjoyed the game. I'd enjoy it more if there was more depth to it. Most criticism I've heard were incoherent story, bad controls, and bad AI. This made me wonder why they didn't just turn this into a straight Monster Hunter with guns. It's not like MH has any story that's worth telling. The controls suck and it's a

Is there anything they CAN do? They already don't allow sales of game consoles and their online gaming limited. I'm just surprised that this hasn't already happened.

I think I would just have to convince myself the games I'm playing just aren't that good.

I liked it, too.....when it worked. Don't know why but I can't get it to sync up with my library anymore.

Watching Star Trek and such with people using touch screen while I still use a mouse has never bothered me. But after long sessions on the iPod touch, I really want to just touch the screen on my Macbook to click on things.

The person who published that story shall be sacked.

Kinda knew this was gonna happen. I just got the LX3 last weekend.

@MagicalTrev: "For everyone who has a problem with iPhone 4's antenna issue, fuck you!"