
🤨 Detroit was as influential on the techno scene as Germany was.

So, Taiwan is part of China now?

You’ve obviously paid zero attention.

He is a current car owner heavily involved in everything. His word counts.

Always hilarious to see a show from New York, the place with the country’s absolute worst record in dealing with Covid, lecture Florida.

Wow! There is so much misinformation in this post I don’t know where to start!

He’s horny for the olden days when planes routinely spew like this

+1 for Lawrence again

To address this, BMW will come out with an even higher HP, more “in-touch” car.

Everyone on this site: “I want a fast, stylish-but-not-overstyled, 300-400hp car with RWD, a manual transmission, and relatively analog underpinnings. I also want it for cheap.”

LA is very stupid

A Goth Club....for adults....all-black dress code.....expensive membership dues.

“seriously terrifying", “bursts of traffic” , “dicey” , “it just goes”.......I’m so scared of the Robot Overlords

Another Tesla hit piece from Jalopnik. You wouldn’t even be writing about a car being locked to a Supercharger if it weren’t a Tesla! I haven’t seen a single post on Jalopnik about other cars locked to Tesla Superchargers.

I think putting the turbo intercooler front and center was on purpose. An acura with a turbo is a big deal. 

These are the same types of people who yell at the McDonalds cashier when there is a pickle in their cheeseburger when they asked for one without. People like these assholes wish they were rich and powerful so they act that way to other wage workers to make them feel better about themselves. I hope too that they get…

Imagine flushing your life down the toilet because you're stupid. 

IIRC, one of the defendants posted a video on social media after the incident and basically said the driver was lucky he didn’t get a beating.

Use of the word “shall” is common in regulatory guidelines and is used to indicate a firm requirement.  Whereas the word “should” indicates a recommendation or suggestion.