They do realize the license plate has to end up just behind the rear wheel, right? It's going to look a lot uglier when it is released.
They do realize the license plate has to end up just behind the rear wheel, right? It's going to look a lot uglier when it is released.
Motherfucker, perhaps buying a car, either as a matter of price or a matter of space, is outside the realm of possibility for some folks under the age of 18. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
For the price of a Honda Grom, you can have just as much fun at much higher speeds, and have cash left over. NP all day long.
Who's the wanker now!
Why am I not surprised that none of them have chains? JFC that’s like basic snow gear.
The C919 will never, EVER, get an FAA type certificate.
I stream it on my PC at 1080p, however I believe if I tried I could get it at 4K on my TV, I just haven’t looked into it. Sound is excellent through my headphones. I believe they have an F1 TV app that you might be able to cast to a 4K TV.
Totally. If you haven’t already, you should check our, they broadcast local channels for your area (that you would get for free over the air). I “donate” $5/mo and get all my local channels plus the digital/decimal alternate channels.
F1 TV for ~$80 per year actually isn’t too bad. While I loved that ESPN covered the races commercial free with the generous help from Mother’s, there would be odd times I couldn’t watch them for some reason. I got F1 TV and have been pleased. You can even watch the feeder series like F2 if you wanted. So I go to…
The fact that I can’t choose between toggle ADS and hold ADS in 2020 makes Cyberpunk appear like it is not a serious game.
I can see the chrome peeling already.
I had a 2017 TRDOR with the 6AT, and yes, in stock form, the TCU programming was dogshit. They came out with the “hesitation at high altitude” TSB that you had to convince the dealer to apply, which helped, but still had issues. I even tried the aftermarket OV Tune, but over time, the ECU/TCU just relearned some of…
If you get the carmax warranty, and find a clean example, I think a Mercedes GLA250 might not be a terrible place to spend a commute, take the family on a little trip, and not guzzle too much gas.
Cafe racers are the bane of the used UJM market. They’re almost always run down bikes that were never properly taken care of by clueless hipsters. Said hipsters will buy them for a few thousand dollars, run them into the ground with no maintenance, then surprise pikachu face when they run like shit and unload them for…
A convertible, in Vermont? Really? This is not a serious person.
Yeah that’s what I mean. They use penultimate regularly, but I distinctly remember either Brundle or Crofty using antepenultimate on at least one occasion in 12 years. It was so stark that I remember Googling it because I had never heard it in conversation, but recalled it from high school English class.
They use it on F1 broadcasts, which is literally the only real-world usage of the word I have ever seen in ~12 years of watching F1.
A bit of perspective: This NA motor has more HP than the GD WRX (less torque though), but weighs around 200lbs less, and is RWD so less drivetrain loss. This should be quite fun to toss around.
Glad they turned back the crazy dial on some of their design parameters.